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Lamberts, R., Lambert, M.I., Swart, J. and Noakes, T.D.
2012. Allometric scaling of peak power output accurately
predicts time trial performance and maximal oxygen
consumption in trained cyclists. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 46: 36-41.
Langerak, N., Tam, N., Vaughan, C.L., Fieggen, A.G. and
Schwartz, M.H. 2012. Gait status 17-26 years after selective
dorsal rhizotomy. Gait & Posture, 35: 244-249.
Lochner, C., Fouche, J.-P., du Plessis, S., Spottiswoode,
B., Seedat, S., Fineberg, N.A., Chamberlain, S.R. and
Stein, D.J. 2012. Evidence for fractional anisotropy
and mean diffusivity white matter abnormalities in the
internal capsule and cingulum in patients with obsessive-
compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience,
37(3): 193-199.
Makena, N., Bugarith, K.H. and Russell, V.A. 2012. Maternal
separation enhances object location memory and prevents
exercise-induced MAPK/ERK signalling in adult Sprague-
Dawley rats. Metabolic Brain Disease, 27: 377-385.
Mapanga, R.F., Rajamani, U., Dlamini, N., Zungu-
Edmondson, M., Kelly, R., Shafiullan, M., Wahab, A., Hasan,
M.Y., Fahim, M.A., Rondeau, P., Bourdon, E. and Essop,
M.F. 2012. Oleanolic acid: a novel cardioprotective agent
that blunts hyperglycemia-induced contractile dysfunction.
PLoS One, 7(10): e47322.
Marraccini, T., Meltzer, S., Bourne, L. and Draper, C.E. 2012.
A qualitative evaluation of exposure to and perceptions
of the Woolworths healthy tuckshop guide in Cape Town,
South Africa. Childhood Obesity, 8(4): 369-377.
McFie, S., Sterley, T.-L., Howells, F. and Russell, V.A. 2012.
Clozapine decreases exploratory activity and increases
anxiety-like behaviour in the Wistar-Kyoto rat but not the
spontaneously hypertensive rat model of attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder. Brain Research, 1467: 91-103.
Medbo, J.I., Mamer, A. and Beltrami, F. 2012. Examination of
the moxus modular metabolic mystem by the Douglas-bag
technique. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism,
37: 860-871.
Micklesfield, L.K., Gray, J. and Taliep, M. 2012. Bone mineral
density and body composition of South African cricketers.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 30: 232-237.
Micklesfield, L.K., Goedecke, J.H., Punyanitya, M., Wilson,
K.E. and Kelly, T.L. 2012. Dual-energy x-ray performs as well
as clinical computed tomography for the measurement of
visceral fat. Obesity, 20(5): 1109-1114.
Miller, E.M., Pomerleau, F., Huettl, P., Russell, V.A.,
Gerhardt, G.A. and Glaser, P.E.A. 2012. The spontaneously
hypertensive and Wistar Kyoto rat models of ADHD exhibit
sub-regional differences in dopamine release and uptake in
the striatum and nucleus accumbens. Neuropharmacology,
63(8): 1327-1334.
Morgan, B.E., Terburg, D., Thornton, H.B., Stein, D.J.
and van Honk, J. 2012. Paradoxical facilitation of working
memory after basolateral amygdala damage. PLoS One,
7(6): e38116.
Morris, A.G. 2012. Biological anthropology at the southern
tip of Africa: carrying European baggage in an African
context. Current Anthropology, 53(Suppl 5): S152-S160.
Morris, A.G. 2012. Trauma and violence in the later stone
age of Southern Africa. SAMJ South African Medical
Journal, 102(6): 568-570.
Naude, C.E., Carey, P., Laubscher, R., Fein, G. and Senekal, M.
2012. VitaminD and calcium status in South African adolescents
with alcohol use disorders. Nutrients, 4: 1076-1094.
Nell, E.-M., van der Merwe, L., Cook, J., Handley, C.J.,
Collins, M. and September, A.V. 2012. The apoptosis
pathway and the genetic predispositiion to achilles
tendinopathy. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 30(11):
Nieuwenhuizen, N., Kirstein, F., Jayakumar, J., Emedi, B.,
Hurdayal, R., Horsnell, W., Lopata, A.L. and Brombacher, F.
2012. Allergic airway disease is unaffected by the absence
of IL-4-dependent alternatively activated macrophages.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 130: 743-750.
Noakes, T.D. 2012. The central governor model in 2012:
eight new papers deepen our understanding of the
regulation of human exercise performance. British Journal
of Sports Medicine, 46(1): 1-3.
Noakes, T.D. 2012. The University of Cape Town taught
me how to challenge beliefs. SAMJ South African Medical
Journal, 102(6): 430-432.
Ojuka, E., Goyaram, V. and Smith, J. 2012. The role
of CaMKII in regulating GLUT4 expression in skeletal
muscle. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology
and Metabolism, 303: E322-E331.
Oosthuyse, T. and Bosch, A.N. 2012. Oestrogen’s regulation
of fat metabolism during exercise and gender specific
effects. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 12: 363-371.