Page 32 - UCT2012 Humanities

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Klipfontein Road. In L. Shopes and B.M. Stave (eds), Oral
History, Community and Displacement, pp. 117-132. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-10890-5.
Field, S.P. 2012. Disappointed imaginings: narcissmand empathy
in post-apartheid South Africa. In L. Shopes and B.M. Stave (eds),
Oral History, Community and Displacement, pp. 165-177. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-10890-5.
Nagar, D., Saunders, C.C. and Dzinesa, G.A. 2012.
Conclusion: region-building in southern Africa: progress,
problems and prospects. In C. Saunders, G. Dzinesa and D.
Nagar (eds), Region-Building in Southern Africa: Progress,
Problems and Prospects, pp. 297-305. London: Zed books.
ISBN 978 1 7803 2178 3.
Penn, N.G. 2012. Soldiers and Cape Town society. In N.
Worden (ed.), Cape Town between East and West: Social
Identities in a Dutch Colonial Town, pp. 176-193. South
Africa: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4314-0292-2.
Saunders, C.C. 2012. Peacekeeping: from the United
Nations to the SADC stand-by force. In C. Saunders, D.
Dzinesa and D. Nagar (eds), Region-Building in Southern
Africa: Progress, Problems and Prospects, pp. 92-106.
London: Zed books. ISBN 978 1 7803 2178 3.
Saunders, C.C. 2012. Pixley Seme and “Abantu-Batho”. In
P. Limb (ed.), The People’s Paper: A Centenary History and
Anthology of “Abantu-Batho”, pp. 117-127. Johannesburg:
WITS University Press. ISBN 9781868145713.
Saunders, C.C. 2012. The history of international mediation
in southern Africa: some reflections. In U. Engel, F.
Hadler and M. Middell (eds), New Mediation Practices in
African Conflicts, pp. 43-53. Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger
Universitatsverlag GmbH. ISBN 9783865837035.
Shain, M. and Bastos, M. 2012. Muslim antisemitism and
anti-Zionism in postwar South Africa. In R.S. Wistrich (ed.),
Holocaust Denial. The Politics of Perfidy, pp. 137-155.
Germany: Walter De Gruyter & Co. ISBN 9783110288223.
Van Sittert, L. 2012. Nation building knowledge: Dutch
indigenous knowledge and the invention of white South
Africanism, 1890-1909. In D.M. Gordon and S. Krech III
(eds), Indigenous Knowledge and the Environment in
Africa and North America, pp. 94-109. United States of
America: Ohio University Press. ISBN 978-0-8214-1996-0.
Worden, N.A. 2012. Introduction: Cape Town between East
and West. In N. Worden (ed.), Cape Town between East
and West: Social Identities in a Dutch Colonial Town, pp.
ix-xxii. South Africa: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 978-1-
Worden, N.A. 2012. Public brawling, masculinity and
honour. In In N. Worden (ed.), Cape Town between East
and West: Social Identities in a Dutch Colonial Town, pp.
194-211. South Africa: Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 978-1-
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Bickford-Smith, V. 2012. Introduction: the case for studying
cities and nationalisms. Journal of Urban History, 38(5):
Bickford-Smith, V. 2012. Providing local color?: “Cape
Coloreds,” “Cockneys,” and Cape Town’s identity from
the late nineteenth century to the 1970s. Journal of Urban
History, 38(1): 133-151.
Field, S.P. 2011. Reading and representing African
refugees in New York. Kronos: Southern African Histories,
37(November): 120-128.
Ncube, G. 2012. ‘The problem of the health of the native’:
colonial rule and the rural African healthcare question in
Zimbabwe, 1890s-1930. South African Historical Journal,
64(4): 807-826.
Penn, N.G. 2012. Laura J. Mitchell, Belongings: property,
family and identity in Colonial South Africa (An exploration
of Frontiers, 1725-c. 1830). Kronos: Southern African
Histories, 37(Nov): 4.
Saunders, C.C. 2012. Pan-Africanism: the Cape Town case.
Journal of Asian and African Studies, 47(3): 291-300.
Saunders, C.C. 2012. The ANC’s 100 years: some recent work
on its history in historiographical content. Historia: Journal
of the Historical Association of South Africa, 57(2): 428-447.
Saunders, C.C. 2011. The South Africa-Angola talks, 1976-
1984: a little-known Cold War thread. Kronos: Southern
African Histories, 37(Nov): 104-119.
Simpson, J. 2012. Boipatong: The politics of a massacre
and the South African transition. Journal of Southern
African Studies, 38(3): 623-647.