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DST/NRF Centre of
Excellence at the Percy
FitzPatrick Institute of African
Ornithology, “Birds as Keys to
Biodiversity Conservation”
The Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the Percy
FitzPatrick Institute undertakes scientific studies
involving birds that contribute to the theory and
practice affecting the maintenance of biological
diversity and the sustained use of biological
resources. The centre continued to achieve
its targeted number and quality of scientific
publications, with 87 papers published in peer-
reviewed journals in 2012, including 28 in journals
with ISI science impact factor ratings of 3.5 or
higher. Seven contributions to semi-technical books
and 40 semi-popular articles were also published.
During 2012, the centre supported 13 postdoctoral
fellows, 19 PhD and 40 MSc students, and one BSc
Honours student, of whom 18% were black and
50% were women. Sixteen postgraduate students
graduated during 2012 (three PhD, one MSc thesis
and 12 MSc in Conservation Biology).
The CoE co-hosted and funded a local conference,
Frontiers in South African Ornithology
, with BirdLife
SA and an
International Blue Swallow Action Plan
Review Workshop
with the Endangered Wildlife
Trust during 2012.
CoE members also presented seminars and
illustrated talks at numerous universities, bird
clubs, and membership-based societies. A broad
range of close collaborative working relationships
with scientific peers and a variety of conservation
NGOs and governmental organisations exists both
nationally and internationally. The CoE continues to
build much-needed African capacity in the broad
arena of biodiversity conservation. It also continues
to be active in advising conservation organisations,
government departments and industry on a variety
of research projects. During 2012, CoE members
served on 18 journal editorial boards, reviewed at
least 158 papers for 64 peer-reviewed journals, and
participated on 47 advisory boards.
CoE research projects have recently generated 29
full-time jobs and 93 part-time jobs, mostly filled by
women. These include 19 full-time and 49 part-time
jobs in previously disadvantaged communities in
South Africa, 10 full-time and 40 part-time jobs in
Zambia, and four part-time jobs in Angola.
Acting Director: Associate Professor P Ryan
Centres of Exellence
associated with this theme
Professor Phil Hockey
Professor Philip Hockey, the Director of
the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African
Ornithology, passed away in January 2013
after a long battle with cancer. Professor
Hockey was instrumental in elevating the
centre to one of the top three in the world
and he was recognised as an expert in his
field. During his career, he graduated 18
PhD and 33 MSc students, supervised eight
Postdoctoral Research Fellows and some 30
honours projects. In addition to more than
120 scientific papers, Phil published over
150 semi-popular articles and 12 books and
book chapters. He co-authored the best-
selling regional field guide
Sasol Birds of
Southern Africa
, and was editor-in-chief,
along with Richard Dean and Peter Ryan,
of the seventh edition of
Roberts Birds of
Southern Africa