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Reaching for the Stars
Research Groupings
associated with this theme
Astrophysics, Cosmology and
Gravity Centre
The Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity Centre (ACGC)
is a research centre incorporating members of the UCT
Department of Astronomy and the Cosmology and Gravity
Group from the UCT Department of Mathematics and
Applied Mathematics. The ACGC aims to create a research
environment at UCT in which South African-led cutting-edge
science projects will be discussed, developed and taken
to fruition. Maximising the opportunities for interaction
between theorists and multi-wavelength observers is
essential for stimulating new approaches to research. The
centre also aims to become an attractive location for
postgraduate students and postdoctoral research fellows,
as well as international visitors.
Directors: Professor RC Kraan-Korteweg and
Professor PKS Dunsby
E-mail: and
Centre for Theoretical and
Mathematical Physics
The Centre for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
(CTMP) is an interdepartmental research unit devoted to the
promotion of interdisciplinary research in these areas. CTMP
is part of the National Institute of Theoretical Physics.
CTMP has twelve local members from the departments
of Astronomy, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics,
and Physics. It also has five international members
who visit the centre on a regular basis. Postgraduate
students doing theses on related research fields are
admitted to CTMP for the duration of their studies. An
international advisory board of seven internationally
acclaimed scientists was appointed in 2006.
Director: Professor I Barashenkov
UCT-CERN Research Centre
The UCT-CERN Research Centre was established in 2003
out of a confluence of certain research programmes
within the Department of Physics. As implied by the
name of the centre, there is extensive collaboration with
CERN, the European Centre for Particle Physics, which
is one of the most prestigious research laboratories
in the world. In particular, the UCT-CERN Research
Centre has close collaboration with the next-generation
ultra-relativistic heavy-ion experiment at CERN’s Large
Hadronic Collider (LHC), named ALICE (A Large Ion
Collider Experiment).
Director: Professor JWA Cleymans