Page 187 - UCT2012 Research Report

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Law in Context
AAThe Polycentric Governance Programme, directed by
Julie Berg, explored changes in the character of policing
by focusing attention on the authorities who direct, and
the providers who undertake, policing. Research foci within
this area include:
City Improvement Districts and their security
accountability of the private security industry
developing a “whole of society” approach to
security governance within the Western Cape
developing innovative policy with The Safety Lab,
a project of the Cape Town Partnership and the
Provincial Government of the Western Cape and the
Western Cape Department of Community Safety
developing a networked, international research
programme on transnational private security
Initial discussions were held with the Safety and Violence
Initiative at UCT about establishing a multidisciplinary
programme on manifestations and dynamics of non-state
violence in Africa.
The Centre’s Penal Policy programme, led by Dr Gail
Super, an NRF postdoctoral research fellow, explored the
relationship between punishment and society and the role
of punishment in state-making. Dr Super’s book
through Crime in South Africa: the Politics of Race and
Class in Neoliberalizing Regimes
will be published by
Ashgate Publishing in 2013.
In the light of the sharp deterioration of the global
environment, and the local impact this is having on
ecosystems and communities across Africa, the Centre
of Criminology has introduced environmental security
governance within its research ambit.
This research stream, led by Professor Clifford Shearing,
explored how influential “fulcrum” institutions, with the
capacity to lever societal change, are responding to the
risks presented by an increasingly insecure environment.
Partners within this programme include the World Wide
Fund for Nature (WWF), several municipalities and private
sector institutions.
In the light of the sharp
deterioration of the global
environment, the Centre of
Criminology has introduced
environmental security governance
within its research ambit.