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Commerce Beyond the Numbers
attitudes and time preferences of individuals, households,
and communities in the field. RUBEN is currently the only
centre for experimental research in economics on the
African continent, providing training, research leadership
and technical resources for the benefit of researchers
across the continent. A key aspect of RUBEN activity
is training. RUBEN hosts annual training workshops for
scholars from the rest of the continent, and raises funds
to cover all workshop costs for these participants. In
addition, the unit aims to provide scholarships for four to
six postgraduate students annually.
Director: Professor H Kincaid
Policy Research in
International Services and
Policy Research in International Services and
Manufacturing (PRISM) is a research and policy unit
within UCT’s School of Economics. PRISM provides
a lens to focus research and policy work broadly on
issues of globalisation, trade and industrialisation. It
is home to a number of related research activities,
projects and programmes concerned with issues of
globalisation, global value chains, industrialisation paths,
foreign direct investment and multinational corporations,
international trade, foreign investment, the defence
industry, policy governance, infrastructure development,
the role of knowledge-intensive services, innovation, and
international competitiveness. PRISM has an applied
focus, responding to economic policy questions issues in
South Africa, the rest of Africa and beyond.
Director: Professor M Morris
UCT Tourism and Events
Research Unit (UCT-TRU)
The UCT Tourism and Events Research Unit is an
interdisciplinary specialist research and teaching unit
within the School of Management Studies. The mission
of the unit is to undertake high quality research and
engage in research-led teaching in order to contribute
to policy formation by business, governments and
international organisations. Current research interests
include the analysis and measurement of tourism's
economic impact, consumer behaviour and the demand
for tourism and travel, and the impact of social media
on tourist decision-making.
Director: Dr R George
The African Collaboration
for Quantitative Finance and Risk
Research (ACQuFRR)
ACQuFRR is a research unit that spans the activities of
the quantitative finance group in Actuarial Science and
researchers in the Department of Finance and Tax who
share an interest in risk research. It provides structure
and support for the pursuit of quantitative financial (risk)
research that is distinctive to Africa and emerging market
economies. Many of its teams are multidisciplinary,
in keeping with its mandate, and may include market
practitioners. ACQuFRR’s focus is on postgraduate
training, research and professional workshops.
Director: Associate Professor D Taylor
Policy Research Unit
Profiled on page 164
Southern Africa Labour and
Development Research Unit
Profiled on page 90
Centre for Information
Technology and National
Development in Africa
Profiled on page 211
Development Policy
Research Unit
Profiled on page 90
Research Groupings
associated with this theme