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Faculty of Humanities
Dance by Nature: Produced and directed by L. Raizenberg
with original choreographies by second year UCT dance
students. Baxter Concert Hall, Rosebank, Cape Town. 6
June 2012.
UCT Dance – A Journey from Past to Present: Directed,
co-ordinated and co-choreographed by L. Raizenberg for a
UCT School of Dance tour. Frascati 1 Theatre, International
Theatre Schools Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 23 - 29
June 2012.
A Brief Encounter and Tan Bi: Choreographed by L.
Raizenberg for UCT School of Dance programme A Journey
from Past to Present tour to Amsterdam, Netherlands. 23
– 29 June 2012.
Through individual lenses we move: Produced and directed
by L. Raizenberg with original choreographies by third and
fourth year UCT dance students, Baxter Concert Hall.
Rosebank, Cape Town. 22 August, 2012.
A Brief Encounter: Choreographed by L. Raizenberg for
the Dance For All Stargaze 21
Anniversary Gala – Tribute
to Dudley Tomlinson. Artscape Theatre. Cape Town. 26
August 2012.
Let’s Dance 2012: Co-choreographed by L. Raizenberg for
the Western Cape Celtic Dance Association. Bergvliet High
School, Bergvliet, Cape Town. 27 October 2012.
Dance UCT 2012, Unknown Spaces: Co-choreograped by
L. Raizenberg for UCT School of Dance annual production,
Baxter Concert Hall, Rosebank, Cape Town. 8 - 10
November 2012.
Coal Train: Choreographed by M. Rani for a UCT School
of Dance tour. Frascati 1 Theatre, International Theatre
Schools Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 23 - 29 June
Remounting Pantsula: Choreographed by M. Rani for the
Dance For All Stargaze 21
Anniversary Gala – Tribute
to Dudley Tomlinson. Artscape Theatre. Cape Town. 26
August 2012.
African Gumbo 2: Co-choreographed and directed by
M. Rani for a performance by senior students of the UCT
School of Dance and SACM and accompanied by T.
Pondo. UCT School of Dance. Rosebank Cape Town [23
March]; Baxter Concert Hall. Rosebank, Cape Town. [26
September] 2012.
Dancers Do It Musically: Co-performed by M. Rani for the
UCT School of Dance. Rosebank, Cape Town. 26 October
Amajuba: Choreographed by M. Rani and performed by
senior students of African dance for the UCT School
of Dance annual production Dance UCT 2012, Unknown
Spaces. Dance UCT 2012, Unknown Spaces.for Baxter
Concert Hall, Rosebank, Cape Town. 8 - 10 November 2012.
Dance Across the Floor: Directed by G. M. Samuel for the
UCT School of Dance. Baxter Concert Hall. Rosebank,
Cape Town. 21 March 2012.
Sing the Body Electric: Directed and co-choreographed
by G. M. Samuel for the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences
collaborative centenary production co-presented by the
UCT Faculty of Health Sciences, the South African College
of Music and the UCT School of Dance. Baxter Concert
Hall. Rosebank, Cape Town. 14 May 2012.
Dance UCT 2012, Unknown Spaces: Directed by G. M.
Samuel for the UCT School of Dance. Baxter Concert Hall,
Rosebank, Cape Town. 8 - 10 November 2012.
Raymonda Revelry: Produced by E. Triegaardt for the
annual UCT School of Dance production Dance UCT 2012:
[Un]known Spaces. Dance UCT 2012. Baxter Concert Hall,
Rosebank, Cape Town. 8 - 10 November 2012.
Coppélia: The roles of Dr Coppélius and the Burgomaster
performed by M. Williams for the CTCB. Artscape Opera
House. Cape Town. Durban Playhouse 2012.
Quando, Quando, Quando: Choreographed by M. Williams
for CTCB’s Italian Affair. January 2012.
The Nutcracker: The roles of Drosselmeyer and Mr.
Stahlbaum performed by M. Williams for the CTCB.
Artscape Opera House. Cape Town. 2012.
The Body Electric (Ensemble Finale): Choreographed by L.
Wilson for the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences collaborative
centenary production Sing the Body Electric co-presented
by the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences, the South African
College of Music and the UCT School of Dance. Baxter
Concert Hall. Rosebank, Cape Town. 14 May 2012.
Jetlagged: a dance film produced by L. Wilson, co-directed
by R. Antrobus and V. Lupuwana, choreographed by K.
Johnstone, and co-performed by L. Wilson, for the GIPCA
Dance and Film workshop. Filmed on location at UCT
Hiddingh Campus. Cape Town. Screened at the Baxter Dance
Film Festival. Baxter Theatre. Cape Town. 11 August 2012.
multi-discipl inary
contemporary dance work choreographed by L. Wilson
and performed by L.Wilson and W. Constable (3
dance student). Jomba! 14
Contemporary Dance
Experience. Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Durban. 29
August - 9 September 2012.