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Faculty of Humanities
Wild, L.G. and Swartz, S. 2012. Adolescence. In J. Hardman
(ed.), Child and Adolescent Development: A South African
Socio-Cultural Perspective. Cape Town, RSA: Oxford
University Press Southern Africa. ISBN 9780195999792.
Wild, L. 2012. Infancy. In J. Hardman (ed.), Child and
Adolescent Development: A South African Socio-Cultural
Perspective, pp. 91-132. Cape Town, RSA: Oxford University
Press. ISBN 9780195999792
Wild, L. 2012. Middle childhood. In J. Hardman (Ed.),
Child and Adolescent Development: A South African
Socio-Cultural Perspective, pp. 163-202. Cape Town, South
Africa: Oxford University Press. ISSBN: 9780195999792.
Zuma, H. and Durrheim, K. 2012. Race and intergroup
relationships. In M. Visser and A. Moleko (eds), Community
Psychology in South Africa, pp. 321-332. 2
Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers. ISBN 9780627029523.
Encyclopaedia entries
Louw, J. 2012. South Africa. In D.B. Baker (ed.), The
Handbook of the History of Psychology, p. 16. New York:
Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195366556.
Solms, M. 2012. Freud, Sigmund. In D. Barrett and P.
McNamara (eds), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams: The
Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of Slumber, vol.
1. pp. 290-291. Santa Barbara CA: Greenwood.
Solms, M. 2012. Neuropsychology of Lost Dream Recall’. In
D. Barrett and P. McNamara (eds), Encyclopedia of Sleep and
Dreams: The Evolution, Function, Nature, and Mysteries of
Slumber, vol. 2. pp. 457-460. Santa Barbara CA: Greenwood.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Aboud, F.E., Tredoux, C.G., Tropp, L., Brown, C., Niens, U.
and Noor, N.M. 2012. Interventions to reduce prejudice
and enhance inclusion and respect for ethnic differences
in early childhood: A systematic review. Developmental
Review, 32: 307-336.
Buys, J. and Louw, J. 2012. A process evaluation of
a supervisory development programme. SA Journal of
Human Resource Management, 10(3).
Casale, M. and Wild, L.G. 2012. The relationship between
social support and the health of HIV-positive caregivers of
children: A review of the empirical literature. Vulnerable
children and youth studies, 7(3): 260-282.
Coetzer, A. and Louw, J. 2012. An evaluation of the
contractor development model of working for water. Water
SA, 38(5): 793-801.
Crabb, R., Cavanagh, K., Proudfoot, J., Learmonth, D.,
Rafie, S. and Weingardt, K. 2012. Is computerized cognitive-
behavioural therapy a treatment option for depression in
late-life? A systematic review. British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 51: 459-464.
Crawford-Browne, S.H. and Kaminer, D.B. 2012. The use
of concept mapping in engaging women to identify the
factors that influence violence. Journal of Psychology in
Africa, 22(4): 529-538.
Dageid, D., Govender, k. and Gordon, S. 2012. Masculinity
and HIV disclosure among heterosexual South African men:
implications for HIV/AIDS intervention. Culture Health &
Sexuality, 14(8): 925-940.
Dewing, S., Mathews, C., Schaay, N., Cloete, A., Louw, J.
and Simbayi, L.C. 2012. Behaviour change counselling for
ARV adherence support within primary health care facilities
in the Western Cape, South Africa. AIDS and Behavior, 16:
Field, C.G. and Louw, J. 2012. A theory-driven evaluation
of a wellness initiative. SA Journal of Human Resource
Management, 10(3).
Flisher, A.J., Dawes, A.R.L., Kafaar, Z., Lund, C., Sorsdahl,
K., Myers, B.J., Thom, R. and Seedat, S. 2012. Child and
adolescent mental health in South Africa. Journal of Child
and Adolescent Mental Health, 24(2): 149-161.
Fourie, M.M., Kilchenmann, N., Malcolm-Smith, S.M. and
Thomas, K. 2012. Real time elicitation of moral emotions
using a prejudice paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology, 3: 275.
Gobodo-Madikizela, P. 2012. Transitional justice and truth
commissions: exploring narratives of repair and healing in the
post-Holocaust era. Psychology, Crime & Law, 18(3): 275-297.
Hoare, J., Fouche, J., Spottiswoode, B., Donald, K.A.,
Phillips, N., Bezuidenhout, H., Mulligan, C., Webster,
V., Oduro, C., Schrieff, L.E., Paul, R., Zar, H.J., Thomas,
K. and Stein, D.J. 2012. A diffusion tensor imaging and
neurocognitive study of HIV-positive children who are
HAART-naive “slow progressors”. Journal of Neurovirology,
18: 205-212.
Hoare, J., Westgarth-Taylor, J., Fouche, J., Spottiswoode,
B., Paul, R., Thomas, K., Stein, D.J. and Joska, J. 2012. A
diffusion tensor imaging and neuropsychological study
of prospective memory impairment in South African HIV
positive individuals. Metabolic Brain Disease, 27: 289-297.
Howarth, C., Wagner, W., Kessi, S. and Sen, R. 2012. The
politics of moving beyond prejudice. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 35(6): 27-28.