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Faculty of Humanities
Dr Jacques de Wet
Senior Lecturer; methodological issues in quantitative and
qualitative research; social change and identities in post-
Apartheid South Africa; people-centred development
theory and practice.
Adjunct Associate Professor Rajen Govender
Political behaviour; capability approach; social justice;
methodological issues in quantitative research.
Dr Johann Graaff
Senior lecturer; development theory; teaching sociology;
rural education.
Dr Jonathan Grossman
Senior lecturer; development of workers’ movement;
Marxist theory and practice.
Dr Judith Head
Senior lecturer; Poverty, inequality & public health; HIV/
AIDS in SA & Brazil.
Emeritus Associate Professor Ken Jubber
Evolutionary theory; social theory; history of sociology,
philosophy of sociological knowledge.
Associate Professor David Lincoln
International division of labour; plantation agriculture;
Associate Professor Xolela Mangcu
Political Sociology; sociology of institutions; social theory;
race, identity and culture; urban sociology.
Emeritus Professor Johann Maree
Industrial relations and industrial strategy; worker
participation: skills development.
Dr Frank Matose
SeniorLecturer;Natural resourcecommons;co-management;
biodiversity management and rural livelihoods; land reform
and biodiversity conservation; Southern Africa.
Dr Elena Moore
Senior Lecturer; Sociology of the family and personal life;
intergenerational relations; gender; research methods;
biographical research methods.
Professor Lungisile Ntsebeza
Rural development; traditional authorities; land rights;
rural/urban linkages; land and the struggle against poverty.
Dr Amrita Pande
Senior Lecturer; Globalization; gendered bodies and
gendered work spaces; new reproductive technologies
and women’s movement in the Global South.
Professor Jeremy Seekings
Political sociology; unemployment; social stratification &
race; public policy; social movement; urban sociology.
Professor Ari Sitas
Historical forms of deviance and social action; labour and
livelihoods; industrialisation and work challenges in emerging
powers; reconciliation and trauma; the labour movement in
South Africa; migrant and marginal forms of labour.
Adjunct Associate Professor Sharlene Swartz
Marginalized youth and development outcomes in
contexts of adversity; social aspects of restitution and
transformation; race and education; participatory and
emancipatory research methods.
Contact Details
Postal Address: Department of Sociology, University of
Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: +27 21 650 3501
Fax: +27 21 689 7576
UCT General enquiries: +27 21 650 9111
UCT web:
Research output
Authored books
Distiller, N. 2012. Shakespeare and the Coconuts: On Post-
Apartheid South African Culture. Johannesburg: WITS
University Press. 225pp. ISBN 978186814.
Mangcu, X. 2012. Biko: A Biography. Cape Town: Tafelberg
Publishers. 328pp. ISBN 978 0 6240 5413 9.
Chapters in books
Favish, J., Ross, D.A., Inggs, S.C., Kathard, H., Clarkson,
C.P., Case, J.M., Collier-Reed, B.I. and Reid, S. 2012.
Reflections on developing distinctive University of Cape
Town graduate attributes. In M. Coetzee (eds), Developing
Student Graduateness and Employability, pp. 207-225.
Randburg: Knowres Publishing. ISBN 978-1-86922-189-8.
Kiragu, S., Mclaughlin, C. and Swartz, S. 2012. Learning
about HIV/AIDS education for children through consultation
and dialogue with school stakeholders. In J. MacBeath
and M. Young (eds), A Common Wealth of Learning:
Millennium Development Goals Revisited. UK: Routledge.
ISBN 978-0-415-64483-9.
Latif, D. and Sitas, A. 2012. The potential for reconciliation,
forgiveness, and social transformation. In N. Trimikliniotis