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Faculty of Humanities
in Cape Town, South Africa. South African Review of
Sociology, 43(3): 41-63.
Nattrass, N.J., Maughan-Brown, B., Seekings, J.F. and
Whiteside, A. 2012. Poverty, sexual behaviour, gender and
HIV infection among young black men and women in Cape
Town, South Africa. African Journal of AIDS Research, 11(4):
O’Dwyer, C., Doyle, M., Moore, E. and Timonen, V. 2012.
‘We have all moved on’: how grandparents cope with their
adult child’s relationship breakdown. Families, Relationships
and Societies, 1(2): 223-241.
Pande, A. 2012. From “balcony talk” and “practical prayers”
to illegal collectives: Migrant domestic workers and meso-
level resistances in Lebanon. Gender and Society, 26(3):
Seekings, J.F. 2012. Pathways to redistribution: the
emerging politics of social assistance across the global
‘south’. Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik, 28(1): 14-34.
Sitas, A. 2012. The human, humanism and the human
condition. Social Dynamics, 38(1): 40-47.
Steinberg, J. 2012. Establishing police authority and civilian
compliance in post-apartheid Johannesburg: an argument
from the work of Egon Bittner. Policing and Society, 22(4):
Steinberg, J. 2012. Security and disappointment: policing,
freedom and xenophobia in South Africa. British Journal of
Criminology, 52: 345-360.
Swartz, S., Deutsch, C., Makoae, M.G., Michel, B., Harding,
J.H., Garzouzie, G., Rozani, A., Runciman, T. and Van
der Heijden, I. 2012. Measuring change in vulnerable
adolescents: findings from a peer education evaluation in
South Africa. SAHARA: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/
AIDS, 9(4): 242-254.
Van Wyk, I. 2012. ‘Tata ma chance’: on contingency and the
lottery in post-apartheid South Africa. Africa, 82(1): 41-68.
Ward, C.L., Artz, L.M., Berg, J.M., Boonzaier, F.A., Crawford-
Browne, S.H., Dawes, A.R.L., Foster, D.H., Matzopoulos, R.,
Nicol, A., Seekings, J.F., Van As, A.B. and Van Der Spuy, E.
2012. Violence, violence prevention, and safety: a research
agenda for South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical
Journal, 102(4): 215-218.
Yaa Oduro, G., Swartz, S. and Arnot, M. 2012. Gender-
based violence: young women’s experiences in the slums
and streets of three sub-Saharan African cities. Theory and
Research in Education, 10(3): 275-294.
UCT Libraries
(Including the Library and
Information Studies Centre)
Executive Director: Ms Gwenda Thomas
Departmental Profile
In addition to the University Libraries providing academic
information services that form a strategically strong research,
teaching and learning environment to support staff and
students, librarians contribute to research in their areas of
subject specialisation, aspects of research librarianship and
information literacy and related areas such as visual archives,
digital collections and assessment in academic libraries.
Research Fields and Staff
Dr Colin Darch
Senior Information Specialist, current affairs in central
and southern Africa; academic libraries; assessment;
information facilities; academic and research libraries,
South Africa.
Ms Jennifer Eidelman
Faculty Liaison Librarian, Information literacy and use of
technology in service delivery.
Mr Paul Weinberg
Senior curator, photography; visual archives; exhibition
curation; digital collections; land and environment, South
Contact details
Postal address: UCT Libraries, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag, RONDEBOSCH 7701, South Africa
Telephone: +27 (0)21 650 3096
Web home page:
Library and Information Studies
Head: – Associate Professor Jaya Raju
Centre Profile
The Library and Information Studies Centre (LISC) is
organisationally located within UCT Libraries but
administered academically via the Humanities Faculty.
Its mission is to provide dynamic and innovative library
and information studies programmes informed by global
scholarship and its location in Africa. LISC offers, through