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Faculty of Humanities
Written, Spoken and Visual Messages, pp. 211-221. 3
edition. Claremont, Cape Town: Juta & Co. Ltd. ISBN 978-
Skelly, S., Eidelman, J.L. and Underwood, P.G. 2012.
Web 2.0 technology as a teaching tool. In J. Tramullas
and P.Garrido (eds), Library Automation and OPAC 2.0:
information access and services in the 2.0 landscape, pp.
187-205. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
10.4018/ISBN 978-1-4666-1.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Darch, C. and De Jager, K. 2012. ‘Making a Difference in
the Research Community’: South Africa’s library academy
experience and the researcher-librarian relationship.
Journal of Academic Librarianship, 38(3): 145-152.
De Jager, K. and Nassimbeni, M. 2012. Giving them what
they want and assessing impact: case studies of public
library services in the Western Cape, South Africa. African
Journal of Library Archives And Information Science, 22(1):
Kwanya, T., Stilwell, C.S. and Underwood, P.G. 2012. Library
2.0 versus other library service models: a critical analysis.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44(3):
Naidoo, S. and Raju, J. 2012. Impact of the digital divide on
information literacy training in a higher education context.
South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science,
78(1): 34-44.
Weinberg, P. 2012. Reflections on the making of the
“AmaBandla Ama-Afrika Exhibition” (2011-2012): Martin
West’s Soweto photographs. Kronos: Southern African
Histories, 38(Nov): 82-85.
Centre for Social Science
Research Report 2012
Director: Professor Jeremy Seekings
Centre Profile
The Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR) is an
interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Cape
Town dedicated to conducting and building capacity for
systematic, evidence based, policy-relevant, replicable
social science research in South Africa, the region, and
across Africa.
In 2012, the CSSR consisted of a small Directorate, three
research units, and additional individual personnel and
small projects. The esearch units were the AIDS and Society
Research Unit (ASRU); Democracy in Africa Research Unit
(DARU); and the Sustainable Societies (Research) Unit
(SSU). All permanent academic staff in the Centre have
departmental appointments also.
Methodologically, CSSR research is empirical, but
problem-driven. While we utilize both quantitative and
qualitative strategies of data collection, our work is
always based on systematic research designs with clear
conceptualization of variables and transparent rules of
operationalising variables, selecting cases and collecting
and analyzing data analysis (in contrast to
ad hoc
collection or narrative description). After a reasonable
period, collected data are turned into public access data
sets. CSSR projects are usually team-oriented, bringing
together multiple local and international researchers, and
offering post-graduate students significant opportunities
for hands-on training by involving them in all stages of
projects. Research findings are presented and discussed at
regular weekly seminars and published as CSSR Working
Papers. Substantively, the CSSR conducts research
in the broad areas of globalization, industrialization,
democratization, development, poverty and public health.
AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU)
The AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU) supports
research into the social and economic dimensions of
AIDS in South and Southern Africa. Special emphasis is
placed on exploring the interface between qualitative and
quantitative research. Focus areas include: AIDS policy in
South Africa, AIDS-stigma, sexual relationships in the age
of AIDS, social and economic factors driving HIV infection,
disclosure (of HIV-status to others), the interface between
traditional medicine and biomedicine, the international
treatment rollout, global health citizenship, the international
treatment rollout, global health citizenship and leadership,
AIDS treatment activism and the impact of providing
antiretroviral treatment on individuals and households.
Democracy in Africa Research Unit (DARU)
DARU supports students and scholars who conduct
systematic research in the following four areas: public
opinion and political culture in Africa and its role in
democratization and consolidation; elections and voting in
Africa; the development of legislative institutions; and the
impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on democratization in
southern Africa. DARU has also developed close working
relationships with projects such as the Afrobarometer (a
cross-national survey of public opinion in fifteen African
countries) and the Comparative National Elections Project,
which conducts post-election surveys over twenty countries
across the world.