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Faculty of Humanities
Edited books
Bennett, T.W., Brems, E., Corradi, G. and Nijzink, L. (eds)
2012. African Perspectives on Tradition and Justice. 168pp.
United Kingdom: Intersentia. ISBN 978-1-78068-059-0.
Chapters in books
Donovan, K. 2012. MobileMoney for Financial Inclusion. In T.
Kelly and M. Minges (eds), Information and Communication
for Development. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Mattes, R.B. 2012. Opinion polls and the media in South
Africa. In C. Holtz-Bacha and J. Stromback (eds), Opinion
Polls and the Media. Reflecting and Shaping Public
Opinion, pp. 175-197. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-0-230-27889-9.
Mattes, R. and Glenn, I.E. 2012. Political communications in
post-apartheidSouthAfrica. InH. Semetko andM. Scammell
(eds), The Sage Handbook of Political Communication.
London: Sage.
Schreiner, W. and Mattes, R.B. 2012. The possibilities of
election campaigns as sites for political advocacy: South
Africa in comparative perspective. In H.A. Tuynsma (ed.),
Public Opinion and Interest Group Politics – South Africa’s
Missing Link? pp.154-172. Pretoria, South Africa: Africa
Institute of South Africa. ISBN 978-0-7983-0292-0.
Seekings, J.F. and Matisonn, H. 2012. South Africa: the
continuing politics of basic income. In M.C. Murray and
C. Pateman (eds), Basic Income Worldwide: Horizons of
Reform, pp. 128-150. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN
Figueredo, A.J., Olderbak, S.G., Schlomer, G.L., Garcia,
R.A. and Wolf, P. 2012. Program Evaluation: Principles,
Procedures, and Practices. In The Oxford Handbook of
Quantitative Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Articles in Peer-reviewed journals
Conradie, B.I. 2012. Are hunting clubs the solution to small
stock depredation? The case of Ceres, 1979 and 1980.
Agrekon, 51(1): 96-113.
Donovan, K. 2012. Mobile money, more freedom? The
impact of M-PESA’s network power on development as
freedom. International Journal of Communication, 6:
Oberth, G. 2012. Who governs public health? Donor retreat
and the shifting spheres of influence in southern African
HIV/AIDS Policy Making. Sociology Study, 2 (July): 551-568.
Grebe, E. and Nattrass, N.J. 2012. AIDS conspiracy
beliefs and unsafe sex in Cape Town. AIDS and Behavior,
16: 761-773.
Harper, S.E. 2012. The fungibility of aid earmarked for HIV/
AIDS control programs. World Development, 40(11): 2263-
Hoffman, M., Coetzee, D.J., Hodes, R. and London, L. 2012.
From comprehensive medicine to public health at the
University of Cape Town: a 40-year journey. SAMJ South
African Medical Journal, 102(6): 442-445.
Logan, C. and Mattes, R.B. 2012. Democratising the
measurement of democratic quality: public attitude data
and the evaluation of African political regimes. European
Political Science, 11(4): 469-491.
Mattes, R.B. 2012. The ‘born frees’: the prospects for
generational change in post-apartheid South Africa.
Australian Journal of Political Science, 47(1): 133-153.
Mattes, R.B. and Leuscher-Mamashela, T.M. 2012. The
roles of higher education in the democratization of politics
in Africa: survey reports from HERANA. Journal of Higher
Education in Africa, 10(1): 139-170.
Maughan-Brown, B. and Venkataramani, A.S. 2012.
Measuring concurrent partnerships: potential for
underestimation in UNAIDS recommended method. AIDS,
25: 1549-1551.
Moore, E. 2012. From traditional to companionate
marriages: women’s changing experience of marriage and
divorce in Ireland. Families, Relationships and Societies,
1(3): 345-361.
Moore, E. 2012. Paternal banking and maternal
gatekeeping in postdivorce families. Journal of Family
Issues, 33(6): 745-772.
Moore, E. 2012. Renegotiating roles postdivorce: a decisive
break from tradition. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage,
53: 402-419.
Moore, E., Timonen, V., O’Dwyer, C. and Doyle, M. 2012.
Divorce and intergenerational support: comparing the
perceptions of divorced adults and their parents. Journal
of Comparative Family Studies, 43(2): 261-279.
Nattrass, N.J., Maughan-Brown, B., Seekings, J.F. and
Whiteside, A. 2012. Poverty, sexual behaviour, gender and
HIV infection among young black men and women in Cape
Town, South Africa. African Journal of AIDS Research, 11(4):