Page 292 - UCT2012 Research Report

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Drug eluting hydrogels: design, synthesis and evaluation
Supervised by Dr D. Bezuidenhout and Professor A. Hult
(KTH Stockholm)
A.A. Alhamud (Human Biology)
Implementation of anatomical navigators for real time
motion correction in diffusion tensor imaging
Supervised by Associate Professor E. Meintjes
J. Ashmore (Public Health and Family Medicine)
Dual practice and equity in the availability of medical
specialists in South Africa
Supervised by Professor L. Gilson
I.H. Burger (Human Biology)
A control system approach to subject specific prospective
respiratory motion correction in cardiac MRI
Supervised by Associate Professor E. Meintjes
L.G. Cloete (Health and Rehabilitation Sciences)
Developing appropriate Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD) prevention initiatives within a rural community in
South Africa
Supervised by Professor L. London and Professor L. van
Niekerk (Stellenbosch University)
I. Cook (Human Biology)
Voluntary physical activity: measurement and relationship
to selected health parameters in rural black South Africans
resident in the Limpopo Province, South Africa
Supervised by Professor E.V. Lambert and Professor M.
Alberts (School of Health Science, University of Limpopo)
M. Davids (Medicine)
Immunological studies in patients with extensively drug
resistant tuberculosis
Supervised by Professor K. Dheda and Dr B. Nurse
G.M. Davison (Clinical Laboratory Sciences)
The role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of
myelodysplastic syndrome
Supervised by Professor N. Novitzky
L. de Milander (Human Biology)
Genetic factors associated with performance and exercise-
associated weight loss in ironman triathletes
Supervised by Associate Professor M. Collins
K. Dhansay (Medicine)
Isolation and identification of antimicrobial compounds from South
Africanmedicinal plants
SupervisedbyAssociateProfessor P. SmithandProfessor K. Chibale
L. Esau (Clinical Laboratory Sciences)
Proliferative and survival pathways in oesophageal cancer
Supervised by Associate Professor D. Hendricks
T. Genade (Human Biology)
A study of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection in
Nothobranchius guentheri
Supervised by Associate Professor D. Lang
J. Gray (Human Biology)
Lower back pain in adolescent fast bowlers
Supervised by Professor W. Derman, Dr K. Vaughan
(Cape Ray) and Professor P. Hodges (University of
Department of Anaesthesia
Department of Clinical
Laboratory Sciences
Department of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences
Department of Human Biology
Department of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and
Department of Paediatrics and
Child Health
Primary Health Care Directorate
Department of Psychiatry and
Mental Health
School of Public Health and
Family Medicine
Department of Radiation
Department of Surgery