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from the Department of Anaesthesia, UKZN. The local site
was initially set up by Professor M James. The lead author
is Dr A Myburgh, with Drs O Porrill and A Emmanuel as
co-investigators in 2012.
MMed mini-dissertations
The MMed programme for registrars is gathering
momentum in the Department. Several projects are under
way, and are listed below (Research Fields and Staff). Dr C
de Jager has undertaken to provide training in the research
process and methodology. In this regard, a formal course is
envisaged, and all Consultant supervisors will be involved
in the initiative, in order to increase the research capacity
in the Department.
Laboratory Research:
The Department was involved in several areas of research
in 2012. There are ongoing studies on coagulation, and an
animal study of coagulation in a porcine model of acute
liver failure. Transoesophageal echocardiography is being
performed in baboons undergoing valve replacement.
Further planned studies include the use of TEG to examine
coagulation in HIV parturients, and in patients undergoing
renal biopsy. The acquisition of the thromboelastometry
device (ROTEM), will allow for more accurate diagnosis
of causes of coagulation abnormalities. Lizel Immelman,
our senior medical technologist, has been appointed to a
permanent post and is performing an important research
administrative role over and above her role in teaching
and individual projects. She plays an important role in the
teaching of the coagulation process and instruction on the
use and utility of the TEG and ROTEM devices, which are
based on viscoelastic changes during the clotting process.
Once again, junior consultants and registrars were
encouraged to participate in research activities wherever
possible, and scientific writing skills were also improved in
this way. National collaboration has been strengthened, in
particular with UKZN, where a study has been planned on
biomarkers and echocardiography in patients with severe
preeclampsia. International collaboration continues, and
is constantly expanding. The Department collaborates
with the University College London Hospitals, Stanford
University, the Rikshospitalet in Oslo, the University of
Toronto, the University of Washington, and Glenfield
Hospital, Leicester. In the field of echocardiography,
important collaborations have been established with
Professors E Sloth (Denmark), A Dennis (Australia), and J
Ender (Leipzig). In the area of the difficult airway, new ties
have been established with Dr D Miller of Guy’s Hosptal
in London.
Research Fields and Staff
Swanevelder, JLC.
Transoesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography
(see above). Laboratory work on local anaesthetic toxicity
in mice, employing TTE.
James, MF.
thromboelastography; blood transfusion and anaesthesia;
crystalloid v colloid in trauma resuscitation; saline v
balanced salts in perioperative management.
Dyer RA, ReedAR, vanDykD, ArcacheM, Emmanuel
A, Schulein S, Vorster A,
Okaisabor O, K Timmerman.
Obstetric anaesthesia:
Cardiac output studies during spinal anaesthesia in patients
with preeclampsia; effects of fluid loading, vasopressors
and oxytocin; the genetics of preeclampsia; effects of
vasopressors on cord gases.
Thomas J.
Management of burns in children; pain management in
children; Case reports; Fluid management in children;
Noninvasive haemoglobin measurement; Pharmacokinetics
of antimicrobial agents during cardiopulmonary bypass;
Paediatric burns: Coagulation studies; Evaluation of the
need for psychosocial services for paediatric burn patients
at the RCWMCH.
See also further MMed supervision, below.
Hodges O.
Coagulation in patients with paediatric burns.
Myburgh A, Heijke SA.
Transoesophageal echocardiography in cardiac
anaesthesia. Point of care TTE.
Myburgh A, James MF.
POISE-2 trial
Llewellyn R.
Drug errors in anaesthesia.
Contact Details
Postal Address: D23 Department of Anaesthesia, New
Groote Schuur Hospital, Anzio Road
Observatory, 7925, South Africa
UCT Telephone: SA (21) 406 6143
GSH Telephone:SA (21) 404 5004
Fax:SA (21) 406 6589