Page 301 - UCT2012 Research Report

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Health Sciences
Contact details
Division of Anatomical Pathology
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Level 4, Room 4.10, Falmouth Building
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Cape Town
Anzio Rd
Observatory, 7925
Tel: 021 406 6162
Fax: 021 404 7611
Department Of Clinical
Laboratory Sciences
Division Of Chemical Pathology
(Including the Chemical Pathology sections of Groote
Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s
Head of Division: Professor David Marais
Divisional Profile
The Division of Chemical Pathology comprises both
academic and diagnostic sections. The academic section
is located in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the
diagnostic laboratories are based in NHLS core laboratory,
Groote Schuur Hospital and and Red Cross Children’s
Hospital. These offer a comprehensive dedicated routine
chemical pathology diagnostic service to both adult
and paediatric patients attending the Groote Schuur
and Red Cross Children’s Hospitals. There is extensive
clinical interaction with members of staff participating
actively at the laboratory/ward interface by attendance
at ward rounds and clinical meetings with the Division of
Endocrinology, Porphyria service and the Lipid Clinic. The
Division has a strong specialist diagnostics and research
focus on metabolic disorders of acquired and familial
aetiology. In addition, the Division has a proud historical
tradition of basic science research that cascades down into
registrar training. Teaching commitments address both
undergraduate and postgraduate needs with a number of
MSc, PhD and MMed students under current supervision.
The Division is also actively involved in contributing to
the teaching programmes of the Division of Medical
Biochemistry and the Department of Molecular Cell
Biology in the Faculty of Science.
Research activities cover the molecular cell biology of
insulin signalling and insulin resistance, the molecular basis
of metabolic disease in HIV/AIDS, identification of new
biomarkers using proteomics, biochemical mechanisms of
ion and drug pumps, the identification of new drug targets
in Tuberculosis and Leishmaniasis, the molecular genetics
of inherited metabolic disorders, mitochondrial myopathies
and erythrocyte antioxidant biochemistry. Individual
researchers have established international collaborations
across the world. The Division is actively engaged in a
number of outreach programmes across Africa. Strong
academic links are in place with Walter Sisulu University and
there are regular teaching/ examining visits from academic
staff of the Division of Chemical Pathology to Mthatha.
A joint registrar training platform has been established
with the University of Stellenbosch and joint academic
activities take place regularly between the two Divisions.
The Division also regularly hosts supernumerary staff from
neighbouring SADC countries (currently Malawi and Zambia)
for the purpose of postgraduate training. The Division has
established itself as one of the premier Chemical Pathology
academic units in Africa for training and research. The
Division has held a number of training courses in laboratory
methods and laboratory management and has become the
preferred provider of these in Africa. In addition, the Division
has an active academic programme which is comprised of
CPD-accredited weekly journal clubs, seminars and clinical
‘grand rounds’. The Division has also established a tradition
of hosting international guest lecturers under the auspices
of the Visiting Lecturer’s fund.
The Division’s Research Laboratories and expertise
have attracted junior and senior colleagues from other
specialties and institutions who have been keen to interact
with colleagues in the Division. In particular, these have
included the Department of Medicine (Professor Bongani
Mayosi), and Division of Medical Biochemistry (Professor
Peter Meissner); the Department of Chemical Pathology
at the University of Stellenbosch (Professor Rajiv Erasmus);
Anatomical Pathology, University of Cape Town (Professor
Dhiren Govender).
Distinguished visitors
Michael Livingston (04 Jan 2012)
Professor Gilles Lambert (12 March 2012)
Professor Neil Harris (02 April-13 April 2012)
Dr Ardie Viljoen ( 03 April )
Professor Ishwarlal Jialal (09 July 2012)
Professor TS Pillay (26 September 2012)
Dr Chantal de Chastellier (09 November 2012)
Professor Wim de Villiers (27 November 2012)
Dr Antonio Assane (04 December 2012)
Dr Eva Naiuea (04 December 2012)