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Health Sciences
Resilient and Responsive Health Systems (RESYST) is a
consortium that is undertaking health policy and systems
research (with a focus on financing, health workers and
governance) in a set of African and Asian settings, including
India, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Thailand, Tanzania and
Vietnam. Funded by DfID, the consortium began in 2011
and will run until 2016.
Coordination work for EQUINET (Regional Network for
Equity in Health in East and Southern Africa) continued
in 2012 around equitable financing of health systems and
equitable allocation of health care resources in a range of
East and Southern African countries.
During this year, Dr Edina Sinanovic was appointed Director
of the Unit. John Ataguba won the Young Investigators
Best Publication Award 2011 for Public Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences. Professor Di McIntyre attained an
NRF B–rating and was elected as a foreign associate to the
National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM)
in Washington. Marsha Orgill and Judy Daire were selected
to attend the Emerging Voices 2012 venture in Beijing.
Women’s Health Research
Unit (WHRU)
The WHRU enjoys local, national and international
research standing especially in the areas of sexual and
reproductive health and gender issues. The Unit is involved
in research, teaching, technical health service support, and
advocacy in the area of women’s health. It is made up of
a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in
public health, epidemiology, psychology, sociology and
anthropology. Focus on women’s health and on gender
and health is aligned with local and global challenges in
addressing the health needs of women.
The Unit’s research focus can be summarised into three
thematic areas: Socio- behavioural research; health services
operational research and quantitative/epidemiological
The major highlights for 2012 include:
• The WHRU implemented its Mellon award to mentor
staff towards completion of their PhDs in 2010 and has
continued the mentorship process with another PhD
mentorship continuing for 2012 and 2013. Deborah
Constant was awarded a Harry Crossley bursary from
the Health Sciences Faculty to enable her to progress
with her PhD.
• A wide range of research collaborators and other visitors
visited the Unit and included, Dr Grossman from Ibis
Reproductive Health, USA , Dr My Huong Nguyen from
the WHO Geneva, Dr Joanne Mantell, HIV Center,
Columbia University, USA, Professor Kathleen Goggin,
Director, HIV Research Unit, Department of Psychology,
University of Missouri, USA and Mary Fjerstad Director
of WomanHealth Global.
• The Unit also continued to host a study abroad
programme from New York University in collaboration
with Professor Sally Guttmacher, Professor of Public
Health and Director of Master’s in Public Health
Program in Community Health, New York University
• WHRU hosted Dr Rachelle Chadwick in the second year
of a 2 year postdoctoral fellowship
• Unit members received numerous awards which
included: a 2- month visiting fellowship at the Population
Training and Study Centre at Brown University in the
• UCT PERC Africa Knowledge grant to set up a network
of research collaborations with University of Namibia,
University of Lesotho and Eduardo Mondlane University
in Mozambique
• The Unit co-hosted and taught on Men Engage Africa
Training course with Sonke Gender Justice and on
the Stanford University Bing Overseas Study Program:
Public and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
and a MACAIDS course run by the HSRC, UCLA and
• Dr Jennifer Moodley was appointed as a member
of the Ministerial Committee on the prevention and
control of cancer.
• The Unit continues to disseminate our research at
International Meetings including the FIGO conference
in Rome, October 2012.
Health Policy and Systems
The Health Policy and Systems Programme encompasses a
range of activities aiming to build this area of work through
research, teaching, and networking within and outside the
SOPHFM. The particular focus of our work is health policy
analysis and health systems research.
In 2012, work continued under the umbrella of the
Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis
(CHEPSAA) an 11-partner consortium funded by the
European Commission (see This