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Department Of Radiation
Division Of Medical Physics
Head of Division: Mr Jan K Hough / Ms H Burger
Divisional profile
The Division of Medical Physics is responsible to Diagnostic
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology for
the safe use of ionization radiation. This involves patient
dosimetry and treatment, as well as the optimum use and
functioning of radiation producing equipment. The Division
is also directly involved in the selection and commissioning
of new equipment.
Physics training and teaching of staff and postgraduate
students in these divisions is undertaken. The UCT BSc
(Hons) course in Medical Physics was revived in 2012 and
eight students are expected to start in 2013.
The Division of Medical Physics is recognised by the
HPCSA as a training centre for Medical Physicists and is
currently training one intern. The Division is also involved
in International Atomic Energy (IAEA) training programs.
We take part in quarterly Medical Physics Workshops for all
the Medical Physicists in the Western Cape. This includes
all the physicists in private practice as well as those at GSH,
Tygerberg Hospital and iThemba LABS. Various papers of
common interest are presented at these workshops.
Medical Physics research meetings take place every
second week to create a space for open discussion and
support for research projects within the Division. Several
posters and papers were presented by staff at national and
international level.