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Deans Office: Health Sciences
Articles in peer-reviewed Journals
Hartman, N., Kathard, H., Perez, G., Reid, S., Irlam, J.H.,
Gunston, G.D., Janse van Rensburg, V.C., Burch, V.C.,
Duncan, E.M., Hellenberg, D.A., Van Rooyen, I.W., Smouse,
M.R., Sikakana, C.N.T., Badenhorst, E.S. and Ige, B. 2012.
Health sciences undergraduate education at University of
Cape Town: a story of transformation. SAMJ South African
Medical Journal, 102(6): 477-480.
Jacobs, M. and El-Sadr, W. 2012. Health systems and health
equity: the challenge of the decade. Global Public Health,
7(S1): S63 -S72.
Perez, A.M., Ahmed, N. and London, L. 2012. Racial
discrimination: experiences of black medical school alumni
at the University of Cape Town, 1945-1994. SAMJ South
African Medical Journal, 102(6): 574-577.