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Faculty of Science
Kotze, M. and Charles, P. 2012. Characterizing X-ray
binary long-term variability. Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 420: 1575-1589.
Leroy, A., Bigiel, F., De Blok, W.J.G., Boissier, S., Bolatto, A.,
Brinks, E., Madore, B.F., Munoz-Mateos, J.-C., Murphy, E.,
Sandstrom, K., Schruba, A. and Walter, F. 2012. Estimating
the star formation rate at 1kpc scales in nearby galaxies.
Astronomical Journal, 144(3): 1-31.
Li, K.L., Kong, A.K.H., Charles, P.A., Lu, T.-N., Bartlett, E.S.,
Coe, M.J., McBride, V., Rajoelimanana, A., Udalski, A., Masetti,
N. and Franzen, T. 2012. A luminous Be+white dwarf supersoft
source in the wing of the SMC: Maxi J0158-744. Astrophysical
Journal, 761: 99-111.
Maddox, N., Hewett, P.C., Peroux, C. and Nestor, D.B.
2012. The large area KX quasar catalogue - I. Analysis
of the photometric redshift selection and the complete
quasar catalogue. Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical
Society, 424: 2876-2895.
McBride, V., Bird, A.J., Coe, M.J. and Udalski, A. 2012. On
the periodicities present in the optical light curves of Small
Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Be/X-ray binaries. Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423: 3663-3678.
Parisi, P., Masetti, N., Jimnez-Bailn, E., Chavushyan, V., Palazzi,
E., Landi, R., Malizia, A., Bassani, L., Bazzano, A., Bird, A.J.,
Charles, P.A., Galaz, G., Mason, E., McBride, V., Minniti, D.,
Morelli, L., Schiavone, F. and Ubertini, P. 2012. Accurate
classification of 29 objects detected in the 39 month Palermo
Swift/BAT hard X-ray catalogue. Astronomy & Astrophysics,
545: A101.
Pawlowski, M.S., Kroupa, P., Angus, G., de Boer, K.S., Famaey,
B. and Hensler, G. 2012. Filamentary accretion cannot explain
the orbital poles of the Milky Way satellites. Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(1): 80-92.
Pepper, J., Kuhn, R., Siverd, R., James, D. and Stassun, K. 2012.
The KELT-south telescope. Publications of the Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, 124(913): 230-241.
Potter, S., Romero-Colmenero, E., Kotze, M., Zietsman, E.,
Butters, O.W., Pekeur, N. and Buckley, D.A.H. 2012. On the
spin modulated circular polarization from the intermediate
polars NY Lup and IGR J15094-6649. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 420: 2596-2602.
Rajpaul, V. 2012. Evolutionary-algorithm-based analysis of
gravitational microlensing light curves. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 427: 1755-1768.
Rajpaul, V. and Veller, C. 2012. Purely competitive evolutionary
dynamics for games. Physical Review E, 86: 041907.
Schechtman-Rook, A. and Hess, K. 2012. NGC 4656UV:
A UV-selected tidal dwarf galaxy candidate. Astrophysical
Journal, 750(2): 171.
Schruba, A., Leroy, A., Walter, F., Bigiel, F., Brinks, E., De Blok,
W.J.G., Kramer, C., Rosolowsky, E., Sandstrom, K., Schuster,
K., Usero, A., Weiss, A. and Wiesemeyer, H.W. 2012. Low CO
luminosities in dwarf galaxies. Astronomical Journal, 143(6): 138.
Seward, F.D., Charles, P., Foster, D.L., Dickel, J.R., Romero,
P.S., Edwards, Z., Perry, M. and William, R.M. 2012. Dem L241,
a supernova remnant containing a high-mass x-ray binary.
Astrophysical Journal, 759(2): 123.
Smolders, K., Neyskens, P., Blommaert, J.A.D.L., Hony, S.,
Van Winckel, H., Decin, L., van Eck, S., Sloan, G., Cami,
J., Uttenthaler, S., Degroote, P., Barry, D., Feast, M.W.,
Groenewegen, M., Matsuura, M., Menzies, J.W., Sahai, R.,
van Loon, J.T.h., Zijlstra, A., Acke, B., Bloemen, S., Cox, N.,
de Cat, P., Desmet, M., Exter, K., Ladjal, D., Ostensen, R.,
Saesen, S., van Wyk, F., Verhoelst, T. and Zima, W. 2012. The
spitzer spectroscopic survey of s-type stars. Astronomy &
Astrophysics, 540: A72.
Somero, A., Hakala, P., Muhli, P., Charles, P. and Vilhu, O. 2012.
Phase-resolved optical and x-ray spectroscopy of low-mass
x-ray binary X1822-371. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 539: A111.
Stewart, R. and Warner, B. 2012. William John Burchell: The
multi-skilled polymath. South African Journal of Science,
108(11/12): 45-53.
Tekola, A., Visnen, P. and Berlind, A. 2012. The environments
of local luminous infrared galaxies: star formation rates
increase with density. Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 419: 1176-1186.
Vaisanen, P., Rajpaul, V., Zijlstra, A., Reunanen, J. and
Kotilainen, J. 2012. The nuclear polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon emission of merger system NGC 1614: rings
within rings. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 420: 2209-2220.
Van Heerden, H., Martinez, P. and Kilkenny, D. 2012.
Determination of the rotation periods for the roAp stars
HD 9289 and HD 190290 and non-detection of rotational
amplitude modulation in the roAp stars HD 75425 and HD
217522. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
426: 969-974.
Whitelock, P. 2012. Asymptotic giant branch variables in
the galaxy and the local group. Astrophysics and Space
Science, 341(1): 123-129.
Williams, P.M., van der Hucht, K.A., van Wyk, F., Marang, F.,
Whitelock, P., Bouchet, P. and Setia Gunawan, D.Y.A. 2012.