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Research output
Chapters in books
Boardman, J., Hoffman, M.T., Holmes, P.J. and Wiggs, G.
2012. Soil erosion and land degradation. In P. Holmes and
M. Meadows (eds), Southern African Geomorphology:
Recent Trends and New Directions. Bloemfontein: Sun
Press. ISBN 9781 920382025.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Ah-Peng, C., Wilding, N., Kluge, J., Descamps-Julien, B.,
Bardat, J., Chuah-Petiot, M., Strasberg, D. and Hedderson,
T.A. 2012. Bryophyte diversity and range size distribution
along two altitudinal gradients: continent vs. island. Acta
Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 42: 58-65.
Ah-Peng, C., Bardat, J., Pocs, T., Soderstrom, L., Stamenoff,
P. and Strasberg, D. 2012. Red list of liverworts and hornworts
for RĂ©union (mascarene archipelago). Phytotaxa, 68: 1-23.
Anderson, R.J., Bolton, J.J., Smit, A.J. and Da Silva Neto,
D. 2012. The seaweeds of Angola: the transition between
tropical and temperate marine floras on the west coast of
southern Africa. African Journal of Marine Science, 34: 1-13.
Bolton, J.J., Anderson, R.J., Smit, A.J. and Rothman, M.
2012. South African kelp moving eastwards: the discovery
of Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss at De Hoop Nature
Reserve on the south coast of South Africa. African Journal
of Marine Science, 34(1): 147-151.
Bond, W.J. and Midgley, G.F. 2012. Carbon dioxide and
the uneasy interactions of trees and savannah grasses.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological
Sciences, 367: 601-612.
Bond, W.J. and Vetter, S. 2012. Changing predictors of
spatial and temporal variability in stocking rates in a severely
degraded communal rangeland. Land Degradation &
Development, 23: 190-199.
Bond, W.J. and Midgley, J.J. 2012. Fire and the angiosperm
revolutions. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 173(6):
Bond, W.J., Cook, G.D. and Williams, S. 2012. Which
trees dominate in savannas? The escape hypothesis and
eucalypts in northern Australia. Austral Ecology, 37: 678-
Breman, E., Gillson, L. and Willis, K.J. 2012. How fire and
climate shaped grass-dominated vegetation and forest
mosaics in northern South Africa during past millennia.
Holocene, 22(12): 1427-1439.
Honorary Professors
Professor Richard Cowling
Plant ecology; conservation biology; community ecology;
Professor John S. Donaldson
Professor Peter Linder
Systematics; taxonomy; evolutionary biology.
Honorary Associate Professors
Associate Professor Robert J. Anderson
Honorary Research Associates
Dr N. Allsopp
Dr N. Bergh
Dr P. Carrick
Restoration ecology
Dr B Harding
Dr S. Higgins
Ecosystems Ecology.
Dr A.G. Rebelo
Dr R. Rohde
Environmental Historian.
Dr G. Scott
Dr A. Seydack
Forest Ecology.
Professor C. Stirton
Plant Systematics.
Contact Details
Postal address: Department of Botany, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Telephone: +27 21 650 2447
Fax: +27 21 650 4041