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Faculty of Science
Mrs Thelma Jenneker
Senior Secretary
Ms Bernie Sam
Departmental Assistant
Mr Ademola Adekayode
Computer Systems Administrator
Mr Craig Balfour
Computer Systems Administrator
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr Bruce Merry
Computer Graphics
Adjunct and Honorary Professors
Honorary Professor Judith Bishop
Software Engineering; Programming Languages;
Distributed Systems
Adjunct Professor Andrew Hutchison
Information Security
Contact Details
Postal address: Department of Computer Science,
University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Telephone: SA (21) 650 2663
Fax: SA (21) 650 3551
Research Output
Chapters in books
Adamatzky, A., Akl, S., Alonso-Sanz, R., Van Dessel,
W., Zuwairie, I., Ilachinski, A., Jones, J., Kayem, A.,
Martinez, G.J., de Oliveira, P.P.B., Prokopenko, M.,
Schubert, T., Sloot, P.M.A., Strano, E. and Yang, X.
2012. Biorationality of motorways. In A. Adamatzky
(ed.), Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks.
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co Pty Ltd. ISBN
Dray, S., Light, A., Dearden, A., Evers, V., Densmore, M.,
Ramachandran, D., Kam, M., Marsden, G., Sambasivan,
N., Smyth, T., van Greunen, D. and Winters, N. 2012.
Human-computer interaction for development: changing
human-computer interaction to change the world. In J.A.
Jacko (ed.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook.
3rd edition. USA: CRC Press Taylor & Francis. ISBN
Kayem, A., Martin, P. and Akl, S. 2012. Self-protecting
access control: on mitigating privacy violations with fault
tolerance. In G.O.M. Yee (ed.), Privacy Protection Measures
and Technologies in Business Organizations: Aspects and
Standards. USA: IGI Global. ISBN 9781613505014.
Kayem, A. and Adamatzky, A. 2012. Trans-African highways.
In A. Adamatzky (ed.), Bioevaluation of World Transport
Networks. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co Pty
Ltd. ISBN 978981440703.
Merry, B. 2012. Performance tuning for tile-based
architectures. In P. Cozzi and C. Riccio (eds), OpenGL
Insights. CRC Press. ISBN 9781439893760.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Bagula, A.B., Zennaro, M., Inggs, G., Scott, S. and Gascon,
D. 2012. Ubiquitous sensor networking for development
(USN4D): an application to pollution monitoring. Sensors,
12(1): 391-414.
Eicher, A., Marais, P.C., Warton, C.M.R., Jacobson, S.W.,
Jacobson, J.L., Molteno, C.D. and Meintjes, E.M. 2012. A
heuristic image search algorithm for active shape model
segmentation of the caudate nucleus and hippocampus
in brain MR images of children with FASD. South African
Computer Journal, 49: 35-53.
Kuttel, M., Ravenscroft, N., Foschiatti, M., Cescutti,
P. and Rizzo, R. 2012. Conformational properties of two
exopolysaccharides produced by inquilinus limosus, a cystic
fibrosis lung pathogen. Carbohydrate Research, 350: 40-48.
Marais, P.C., Kenwood, J., Smith, K., Kuttel, M. and Gain,
J.E. 2012. Efficient compression of molecular dynamics
trajectory files. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 33:
Marsden, G., Cutrell, E., Jones, M., Nanavati, A. and Rajput,
N. 2012. Making technology invisible in the developing
world. Computer, 45(4): 82-85.
Mugwanya, R., Marsden, G., Ng’ambi, D. and Traxler, J.
2012. Using a participatory action research approach to
design a lecture podcasting system. International Journal
of Mobile and Blended Learning, 4(2): 67-86.
Ponjou Tasse, F., Gain, J.E. and Marais, P.C. 2012. Enhanced
texture-based terrain synthesis on graphics hardware.
Computer Graphics Forum, 31(6): 1959-1972.
Winschiers, H., Bidwell, N. and Blake, E.H. 2012. Altering
participation through interactions and reflections in design.
CoDesign-International Journal of CoCreation in Design
and the Arts, 8(2-3): 163-182.