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Faculty of Science
Cooke, K. 2012. Urban food access: a study of the lived
experience of food access within a low-income community
in Cape Town. MSoc. 170pp. Supervised by Battersby-
Lennard, J.E.
Davey, J. 2012. The effects of invasive alien plants on
cultural ecosystem services: tourism and recreation.
MPhil Environmental Management. 136pp. Supervised by
Anderson, P.M.L. and O’Farrell, P.J.
Dhlembeu, R. 2012. Testing the use of the BASINS PLOAD
model to simulate the quality of stormwater runoff from the
Kuils River catchment, Cape Town. MSc. 118pp. Supervised
by Winter, K.J.
Georgeades, D. 2012. Environmental impact assessment
follow-up in selected Cape Town case studies as an indicator
of effectiveness. MSc. 164pp. Supervised by Hill, R.C.
Greyling, S. 2012. Between the (In)formal and the (Il)legal:
the ‘permanent temporariness’ of waiting for a house.
MSocSci. 127pp. Supervised by Oldfield, S.E.
Hove, T. 2012. A survey of South African environmental
impact assessment legislation: recording the precautionary
principle with retrospective environmental authorisation.
MPhil Environmental Management. 79pp. Supervised by
Glazewski, J.I.
Hushlak, A. 2012. Integrating traditional ecological
knowledge in South Africa’s small-scale fisheries: the
Olifants Estuary Gillnet Fishery. MPhil in Environmental
Management. 133pp. Supervised by Sowman, H.
Israel, A. 2012. The landscape pattern surrounding the
Venda sacred site of Thathe forest. MPhil Environmental
Management. 102pp. Supervised by Wynberg, R.P.
Kinyanjui, R. 2012. Phytolith analysis as a palaeoecological
tool for reconstructing mid-to late-pleistocene
environments in the Olorgesailie basin, Kenya. MSc. 130pp.
Supervised by Meadows, M.E.
Lowman, M. 2012. The effectiveness of access and benefit-
sharing legislation in South Africa: practical considerations
for national regimes. MPhil Environmental Management.
Supervised by Wynberg, R.P.
Mambo, T., Holloway, A. 2012. An examination of changes
in rainfall, streamflow and landcover: a case study of the
Kandelaars catchment, Oudtshoorn, South Africa 1926-
2008. MPhil Disaster Risk Science. 130pp. Supervised by
Anderson, P.M.L.
Marshak, M. 2012. Systems in transition: from waste to
resource. A study of supermarket food waste in Cape Town.
MSoc. 143pp. Supervised by Battersby-Lennard, J.E.
Moreira Dias, D. 2012. ‘Renewed promises: conservation for
development in the KAZA, Angola’. MSc. 76pp. Supervised
by Ramutsindela, M.F.
Orangio, C. 2012. Barriers to flood risk adaptation: a case
study of cross-scale collaboration in the informal settlement
of Graveyard pond, Philippi. MSc. 75pp. Supervised by
Ziervogel, G.
Rumble, J. 2012. Collaborative environmental governance
in agriculture: a case-study from the Breede Valley. MPhil
Environmental Management. 120pp. Supervised by Hill,
Takalani, T.E. 2012. A spatial analysis of the alternative
admissions research project at the University of Cape Town,
2000-2005. MSc. 113pp. Supervised by Meadows, M.E.
Van Breda, S. 2012. Improving partnership-based
governance for special management areas: lessons
from the nuwejaars wetland SMA. MPhil Environmental
Management. 123pp. Supervised by Hill, R.C.
Wagsaether, K. 2012. Preparing for the future: assessing the
vulnerability of small-scale farmers in Bushbuckridge. MSc.
178pp. Supervised by Ziervogel, G.
Department of Geological
Head of Department: Professor Stephen
Departmental Profile
Research in the Department of Geological Sciences covers
a wide range of disciplines. The Department has strengths
in geochemistry, structural geology and tectonics, igneous
and metamorphic petrology, sedimentology, marine
geology, economic geology and petroleum geophysics.
General research interests include: global tectonics and
geodynamicswithemphasisonGondwanageology; oceanic
and continental igneous processes and the geochemical
evolution of the underlying mantle; kimberlites and the
genesis of diamonds; evolution of the Kaapvaal craton
and gold genesis; paleoenvironments; marine geoscience
and sedimentary geochemistry. Analytical facilities include
X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe,
fluid inclusion stage, stable isotope extraction lines and