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Faculty of Science
volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Chemical
Geology, 334: 324-344.
Diener, J.F.A. and Powell, R. 2012. Revised activity-
composition models for clinopyroxene and amphibole.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30: 131-142.
Dziggel, A., Diener, J.F.A., Stoltz, N.B. and Kolb, J. 2012.
Role of H2O in the formation of garnet coronas during
near-isobaric cooling of mafic granulites: the Tasiusarsuaq
terrane, southern west Greenland. Journal of Metamorphic
Geology, 30: 957-972.
Fagereng, A. 2012. A note on folding mechanisms in
the Cape fold felt, South Africa. South African Journal of
Geology, 115(2): 137-144.
Grosch, E., Vidal, O., Abu-Alam, T.A. and McLoughlin, N.
2012. P-T constraints on the metamorphic evolution of the
Paleoarchean Kromberg type-section, Barberton greenstone
belt, South Africa. Journal of Petrology, 53(3): 513-545.
Harte, B.H. and Richardson, S.H. 2012. Mineral inclusions
in diamonds track the evolution of a Mesozoic subducted
slab beneath west Gondwanaland. Gondwana Research,
21: 236-245.
Le Roex, A.P., Chevallier, L., Verwoerd, W.J. and Barends,
R. 2012. Petrology and geochemistry of Marion and
Prince Edward islands, southern ocean: magma chamber
processes and source region characteristics. Journal of
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 223-224: 11-28.
O’Connor, J.M., Jokat, W., Le Roex, A.P., Class, C., Wijbrans,
J.R., Kebling, S., Kuiper, K.F. and Nebel, O. 2012. Hotspot
trails in the south Atlantic controlled by plume and plate
tectonic processes. Nature Geoscience, 5: 735-738.
Raimondo, T.R., Clark, C., Hand, M.H., Cliff, J.C. and Harris,
C. 2012. High-resolution geochemical record of fluid-rock
interaction in a mid-crustal shear zone: a comparative study
of major element and oxygen isotope transport in garnet.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30: 255-280.
Rowe, C.D., Fagereng, A., Miller, J. and Mopani, B.M. 2012.
Signature of coseismic decarbonation in dolomitic rocks of
the Naukluft thrust, Namibia. Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, 333: 200-210.
Saha, L., Hofmann, A.H., Jele, N. and Harris, C. 2012.
Palaeoarchaean sea-floor alteration and metamorphism
of pillow basalts from the Nondweni greenstone belt,
south eastern Kaapvaal craton, South Africa. South African
Journal of Geology, 115(3): 259-282.
Troll, V.R., Klugel, A., Longpre, M.A., Burchardt, S.B.,
Deegan, F.M., Carracedo, J.C., Wiesmaier, S., Kueppers,
U., Dahren, B., Blythe, L.S., Hansteen, T.H., Freda, C., Budd,
D.A., Jolis, E.M., Jonsson, E., Meade, F.C., Harris, C., Berg,
S.E., Mancini, L., Polacci, M. and Pedroza, K. 2012. Floating
stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island
sedimentary origin in the early products of the October
2011 eruption. Solid Earth, 3: 97-110.
Wallace, L.M.W., Fagereng, A. and Ellis, S.E. 2012. Upper
plate tectonic stress state may influence interseismic coupling
on subduction megathrusts. Geology, 40(10): 895-898.
Zhao, H.Z., Jiang, S.J., Frimmel, H.E., Dai, B.D. and Ma, L.M.
2012. Geochemistry, geochronology and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes
of two mesozoic granitoids in the Xiaoqinling gold district:
implication for large-scale lithospheric thinning in the north
China craton. Chemical Geology, 294-295: 173-189.
Doctoral dissertations
Razak, N. 2012. An investigation into the effectiveness of
a controlled source electromagnetic survey in locating
petroleum resources offshore Equatorial Guinea.
Supervised by Smith, G.C.
Master’s degrees (by research)
Backeberg, N. 2012. Petrogenesis of the False Bay Dyke
Swarm, Cape Peninsula, South Africa. MSc. Supervised by
Reid, D.
Bergh, E. 2012. A one-year, postfire record of element
deposition and cycling in the Kogelberg sandstone fynbos
mountain ecosystem of the Western Cape, South Africa.
MSc. Supervised by Compton, J.
Faber, C. 2012. Insights into the processes of felsic melt
migration through the mid-crust; an integrative approach
from the central zone of the Damara belt, Namibia. MSc.
Supervised by Diener, J.
Maake, L. 2012. Source of the suspended load, upper
Orange river, South Africa. MSc. Supervised by Compton,
J. and Rogers, J.
MacHutchon, M. 2012. The geological evolution and
sedimentary dynamics of Hout Bay, South Africa. MSc.
Supervised by Compton, J.
MacLennan, S. 2012. Structural, geophysical and
geochemical characterisation of a Mesoarchean
paleosuture zone, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South
Africa. MSc. Supervised by de Wit, M.