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Faculty of Science
Distinguished Visitors
Mr Stephan Gohl, Germany
Professor Herbert Spiesberger, University of Mainz,
Professor Karl Schilcher, University of Mainz, Germany
Dr Shadrack Nsengiyumva, University of Johannesburg, SA
Dr Peter Egelhof, GSI, Germany
Dr Zvi Citron, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Dr Arnaud Ferrari, Uppsala University, Sweden
Professor Sergio Colafrancesco, Wits University, SA
Professor John Wood, Georgia Tech, USA
Dr Neven Bilic, Boskovic Institute, Croatia
Professor Daya Reddy, UCT & CERECAM
Dr Habarulema, Dr De Villiers, Dr Oyeyemi and Ms
Tshisaphungo, The South African National Space Agency
Associate Professor Patrick Woudt, Astronomy Dept., UCT
Dr Jeff Murugan, UCT Applied Math
Professor Kristian Müller-Nedebock, University of
Dr Danish Azmi, University of Cape Town
Dr Hugo Touchette, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Professor Ronald Bieniek, Missouri University of Science
and Technology, USA
Dr Gyorgy Wolf, KFKI Budapest, Hungary
A. Oga & F. Adam, Greenpeace Africa
Professor David Wolfe, University of New Mexico, US
Professor Ketevi Assamagan, Brookhaven Nat Lab, US
Professor Raju Venugopalan, Brookhaven Nat Lab, US
Mr Chris Powell, UCT & Lawrence Berkeley Nat Lab, US
Professor Gregory Beaucage, Director of NanoPower Africa
and University of Cincinnati, USA
Dr Jan Ilavsky, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Dr Greg Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Dr Neven Bilic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Dr Raju Venugopalan, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Dr Nirmal Weerasekara, JKMERC, University of Queensland,
Contact Details
Postal address: Department of Physics, University of Cape
Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7700
Physical location: RW James Building, 9 University Avenue
Telephone: +27 (21) 650-3326
Fax: +27 (21) 650-3324
Research output
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Armesto, N., Horowitz, W.A., Cole, B., Jacobs, P. and
Sangyong, J. 2012. Comparison of jet quenching formalisms
for a quark-gluon plasma “brick”. Physical Review C, 86:
Ayala, A., Loewe, M., Rojas, J.C. and Villavicencio, C. 2012.
Magnetic catalysis of a charged Bose-Einstein condensate.
Physical Review D, 86: 076006.
Ayala, A., Dominguez, C.A., Loewe, M. and Zhang, Y.
2012. Rho-meson resonance broadening in QCD at finite
temperature. Physical Review D, 86: 114036.
Bickell, M., Buffler, A., Govender, I. and Parker, D.J. 2012. Anew
line density tracking algorithm for PEPT and its application to
multiple tracers. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics
Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors
and Associated Equipment, 682: 36-41.
Blaschke, D., Berdermann, J., Cleymans, J.W.A. and
Redlich, K. 2012. Chiral condensate and Mott-Anderson
freeze-out. Few-Body Systems, 53: 99-109.
Bodenstein, S., Bordes, J., Dominguez, C.A., Penarrocha,
J. and Schilcher, K. 2012. Bottom-quark mass from finite
energy QCD sum rules. Physical Review D, 85: 034003.
Bodenstein, S., Dominguez, C.A., Eidelman, S.,
Spiesberger, H. and Schilcher, K. 2012. Confronting
electron-positron annihilation into hadrons with QCD:
an operator product expansion analysis. Journal of
High Energy Physics, 201(01): 039.
Bodenstein, S., Dominguez, C.A. and Schilcher, K. 2012.
Hadronic contribution to the muon g - 2 factor: a theoretical
determination. Physical Review D, 85: 014020.
Bodenstein, S., Dominguez, C.A., Schilcher, K. and
Spiesberger, H. 2012. Hadronic contribution to the QED
running coupling a(M2Z). Physical Review D, 86: 093013.
Bordes, J., Dominguez, C.A., Moodley, P., Penarrocha, J.
and Schilcher, K. 2012. Corrections to the SU(3) x SU (3)
Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation and chiral couplings Lr8
and Hr2. Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP10(2012 102).
Britton, D.T., Jonah, E., Rai, D., Beaucage, G. and
Sukumaran, S. 2012. Structure and Characterization of
Silicon Nanoparticles Produced Using a Vibratory Disc Mill.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 137: 6.