Page 54 - UCT2012 Research Report

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Seven UCT scholars were finalists in the prestigious 2012/13
National ScienceandTechnology Forum–BHPBillitonawards, the
such event that recognises, acknowledges, and promotes
excellence in the South African research and development
community. The annual event is the flagship project of the
largest and most prominent multi-stakeholder representative
forum for science, engineering, technology, and innovation
(SETI) organisations in South Africa.
rofessor Graeme Cumming of the Faculty of Science received the TW Kambule
NRF-NSTF Award to an Individual for an Outstanding Contribution to SETI
through Research and its Outputs over the last 5 to 10 years. Professor Cumming
is the Pola Pasvolsky Chair of Conservation Biology in the Department of Zoology
(now Biological Sciences).
The ARTIST (Adaptive Real-Time Internet Streaming Technology) team (a collaborative
effort between the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, UCT, and East Coast
Access) won the category for ’an Individual or a Team for an Outstanding Contribution to
SETI through Research leading to Innovation: in a Corporate organisation or Institution‘.
From the UCT side, intellectual property (IP) was developed by a team of researchers in
the Department of Electrical Engineering, headed by Associate Professor Mqhele Dlodlo,
Professor Gerhard de Jager, and Dr Guy-Alain Lusilao Zodi. This IP has been licensed by
the Consortium to start up Tuluntulu, which is currently commercialising it.
NSTF-BHP Billiton Awards