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Faculty of Science
Gasche, L., Gascuel, D., Shannon, L. and Shin, Y.-J. 2012.
Global assessment of the fishing impacts on the southern
Benguela ecosystem using an EcoTroph modelling
approach. Journal of Marine Systems, 90: 1-12.
Golabek, K.A., Ridley, M. and Radford, A.N. 2012. Food
availability affects strength of seasonal territorial behaviour
in a cooperatively breeding bird. Animal Behaviour, 83:
Goulding, W., Pettifor, R.A. and Simmons, R.E. 2012. High
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Govender, R., Chinsamy-Turan, A. and Ackermann, R. 2012.
Anatomical and landmark morphometric analysis of fossil
phocid seal remains from Langebaanweg, west coast of
South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South
Africa, 67(3): 135-149.
Grecian, W.J., Witt, M.J., Attrill, M.J., Bearhop, S., Godley,
B.J., Grémillet, D., Hamer, K.C. and Votier, S. 2012. A
novel projection technique to identify important at-sea
areas for seabird conservation: an example using northern
gannets breeding in the north east Atlantic. Biological
Conservation, 156: 43-52.
Grémillet, D.,Meslin, L. andLescrol, A. 2012. Heat dissipation
limit theory and the evolution of avian functional traits in a
warming world. Functional Ecology, 26: 1001-1006.
Grémillet, D., Nazirides, T., Nikolaou, H. and Crivelli, A.L.
2012. Fish are not safe from great cormorants in turbid
water. Aquatic Biology, 15: 187-194.
Grémillet, D., Prudor, A., Le Maho, Y. and Weimerskirch,
H. 2012. Vultures of the seas: hyperacidic stomachs in
wandering albatrosses as an adaptation to dispersed food
resources, including fishery wastes. PLoS One, 7(6): e37834.
Grémillet, D., Puech, W., Garçon, V., Boulinier, T. and
Le Maho, Y. 2012. Robots in ecology: welcome to the
machine. Open Journal of Ecology, 2: 49-57.
Grémillet, D., Welcker, J., Karnovsky, N.J., Walkusz, W., Hall,
M.E., Fort, J., Brown, Z., Speakman, J.R. and Harding, A.M.A.
2012. Little auks buffer the impact of current Arctic climate
change. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 454: 197-206.
Groeneveld, J.C., Kirkman, S.P., Boucher, M. and Yemane,
D. 2012. From biomass mining to sustainable fishing -
using abundance and size to define a spatial management
framework for deep-water lobster. African Journal of
Marine Science, 34(4): 547-557.
Grote, B., Ekau, W., Stenevik, E.K., Clemmesen, C., Verheye,
H.M.S., Lipinski, M.R. and Hagen, W. 2012. Characteristics
of survivors: growth and nutritional condition of early
stages of the hake species Merluccius paradoxus and
M-capensis in the southern Benguela ecosystem. Ices
Journal of Marine Science, 69(4): 553-562.
Grote, B., Stenevik, E.K., Ekau, W., Verheye, H.M.S.,
Lipinski, M.R. and Hagen, W. 2012. Spawning strategies
and transport of early stages of the two Cape hake species,
Merluccius paradoxus and M-capensis, in the southern
Benguela upwelling system. African Journal of Marine
Science, 34(2): 195-204.
Guambe, J., Mars, J. and Day, J.A. 2012. Application of PIXE
in pollution control of the Matola river in Mozambique-
analysis of fish scales. Nuclear Instruments & Methods
in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with
Materials and Atoms, 273: 171-172.
Guerier, A.S., Bishop, J.M., Crawford, S.J., Schmidt-
Kuntzel, A. and Stratford, K.J. 2012. Parentage analysis
in a managed free ranging population of southern white
rhinoceros: genetic diversity, pedigrees and management.
Conservation Genetics, 13: 811-822.
Haiden, S.A., Hoffmann, J.H. and Cramer, M.D. 2012.
Benefits of photosynthesis for insects in galls. Oecologia,
170: 987-997.
Hamann, M., Grémillet, D., Ryan, P.G., Bonadonna, F., van
der Lingen, C.D. and Pichegru, L. 2012. A hard-knock life:
the foraging ecology of Cape cormorants amidst shifting
prey resources and industrial fishing pressure. African
Journal of Marine Science, 34(2): 233-240.
Handegard, N., Du Buisson, L., Brehmer, P., Chalmers,
S.J., De Robertis, A., Huse, G., Kloser, R., Macaulay, G.,
Maury, O., Ressler, P.H., Stenseth, N.C. and Godo, O.R.
2012. Towards an acoustic-based coupled observation and
modelling system for monitoring and predicting ecosystem
dynamics of the open ocean. Fish and Fisheries, 2012: 1-11.
Haupt, T., Griffiths, C.L. and Robinson, T. 2012. Intra-
regional translocations of epifaunal andinfaunal species
associated with cultured Pacificoysters Crassostrea gigas.
African Journal of Marine Science, 34(2): 187-194.
Heydinger, J.M. 2012. Affirming the values of conservation
science. Biodiversity, 13: 115-117.
Hickman, A.E., Moore, M., Sharples, J., Lucas, M.I., Tilstone,
G.H., Krivtsov, V. and Holligan, P. 2012. Primary production and
nitrate uptake within the seasonal thermocline of a stratified
shelf sea. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 463: 39-57.