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Faculty of Commerce
Ms Salah Kabanda
IT adoption; M and E commerce; ICT4D
Professor Ojelanki Ngwenyama
Developing and using critical social science methods for IS
research. Empirical research focused on: software process
innovation; IS implementation; IS management; the impact
of ICT on social and economic development.
Dr Jacques Ophoff
Information and cyber security; privacy; design science
Mr Mike Pollock
Effective IS teams, IS programming with students;
technology acceptance; the digital divide in South Africa;
digital forensics; virtual teams; m-innovation.
Ms Sumarie Roodt
IS and Education: Technology-enhanced learning with
a focus on using emerging technologies for the Net
Generation, Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL),
Virtual Worlds, Educational Neuroscience & Technology-
Enhanced Learning. IS and Business: Using emerging
technologies for Competitive Advantage
Dr Lisa Seymour
Enterprise systems and business process management with
a developing country focus.
Associate Professor Kosheek Sewchurran
Project organising, systems thinking, innovation and
creating a desirable tension between best-practices,
research and professions.
Emeritus Professor Derek Smith
Project portfolio management; project teams; project
manager competencies.
Mr Adrie Stander
Data communications; database design; human-computer
interaction; culture and information systems.
Ms Maureen Tanner
Agile, Global Software development.
Professor Jean-Paul Van Belle
Adoption of information technologies; ICT4D; e-commerce
and m-commerce; e-government and m-government; open
source software; enterprise IS architectures; e-readiness of
SMEs and NGOs; Green IS/IT.
Contact Details
Postal Address: Department of Information Systems,
University of Cape Town, Private
Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Telephone: +27 21 650 2261
Fax: +27 21 650 2280
Research output
Authored books
Stevenson, G. and Van Belle, J.W.G.D. 2012. Using Social
Media Technology to Improve Collaboration: A Case Study
of Micro-Blogging Adoption in a South African Financial
Service Company. 29pp. United States of America:
Information Science Reference. ISBN 9781466625150.
Chapters in books
Mukudu, A. and Van Belle, J.W.G.D. 2012. A case study of
a successful mHealth application: cell-life's EMIT system.
In F.L. Gaol (ed), Recent Progress in Data Engineering and
Internet Technology, pp. 401-408. London: Springer. ISBN
Petkov, D. and Sewchurran, K. 2012. The work system
method as an approach for teaching and researching
information systems. In Y.K. Dwivedi, M.R. Wade and S.L.
Schneberger (eds), Information Systems Theory: Explaining
and Predicting Our Digital Society, Vol 2, pp. 413-424. New
York: Springer. ISBN 978441997067.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Adeniran, T. and Johnston, K. 2012. Investigating the
dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage of South
African SMEs. African Journal of Business Management,
6(11): 4088-4099.
Bankole, O., Chigona, W.M.G. and Bankole, F. 2012. The
use of blogs for political campaigning in a developing
country context: the case of South Africa. Journal for
Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 8(1): 154-166.
Bladergroen, M., Bytheway, A. and Van Zyl, I. 2012.
Educator discourses on ICT in education: a critical analysis.
International Journal of Education and Development Using
ICT, 8(2):107-119.
Bladergroen, M., Chigona, W.M.G., Bytheway, A., Cox, S.,
Dumas, C. and Van Zyl, I. 2012. Educator discourses on
ICT in education: a critical analysis. International Journal of
Education and Development Using ICT, 8(2): 107-119.