Page 590 - UCT2012 Research Report

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the Masters programme. The programme development
process includes the hosting of a colloquium of local and
international experts in Entrepreneurial Education in Cape
Town in August 2013.
Research Fields and Staff
Professor Jeffrey Bagraim
Theory and management of workplace attitudes;
organisation commitment; commitment to change; work-
family conflict; organisational culture.
Professor Rob Dorrington (CARe)
Demography; mortality; migration; HIV/AIDS modelling;
population estimation and projection.
Professor Joha Louw-Potgieter
Programme evaluation; human resource management.
Emeritus Professor John Simpson
Consumer behaviour; retailing; strategic marketing;
management in sport; teaching methodology.
Adjunct Associate Professor Daniel Polakow
Financial derivatives; investment strategy; risk-budgeting;
stochastic recurrence models; biostatistics.
Associate Professor Iain MacDonald
Applied probability; new time series models (especially
hidden Markov models); mathematical finance.
Associate Professor Tom Moultrie (CARe)
Demography, especially the analysis of fertility patterns
and trends; analysis of census and survey data; modelling
of birth intervals; contraceptive use and adoption; HIV/
Associate Professor Anton Schlechter
Reward Management and talent retention; leadership;
positive organisational behaviour.
Associate Professor David Taylor
Financial derivatives; mathematical finance; financial time
series models (asset returns and volatility).
Dr Richard George
Tourism marketing; responsible tourism; impact of mega-
sport events; the association relationship between tourism
and crime; township tourism.
Dr Terri Grant
Business communications in the global economy; scenario
learning and pedagogy; non-verbal communication and
multimodality; graphics; commerce education and learning
Dr Suki Goodman
Organisational and individual learning; training and
programme evaluation; student ethics.
Dr Gert Human
Industrial marketing and inter-firm networks; strategic
marketing; strategic management and international
Dr Shannon Kendal
Measuring and managing retirement product risk; taxation
of retirement funds; living annuities, defined benefit
valuation bases.
Dr Sure Mataramvura
Financial Mathematics; Stochastic Calculus; Game Theory.
Dr David Maralack
Principles of sport management; sport policy and politics;
sport and development; sport institution building; sport in
transformation; sport strategic management.
Dr Ines Meyer
Intergroup relations in the workplace; transformation;
workplace diversity.
Dr David Priilaid
Wine pricing and brand valuations; extrinsic cues; placebo
effects; the entrepreneurial mind-set.
Dr Mignon Reyneke
Consumer Behaviour, Luxury Branding, Online marketing
and branding and social media marketing.
Mr Justin Beneke
Retailing management; electronic marketing; customer
relationship management & higher education marketing.
Ms Adiilah Boodhoo
Monitoring and programme evaluation; training evaluation;
recruitment and selection.
Ms Elsamari Botha
Marketing research and research methodology; social
network analysis; online social networks; viral marketing;
emotional contagion
Mr Francois de Kock
Personnel selection; development and psychometric
validation of psychological tests and personnel selection
programmes; accuracy and bias in subjective ratings
Ms Carren Field
Monitoring and evaluation; training evaluation; employee