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Faculty of Commerce
2012. Progress towards millennium development goal 4.
LANCET, 379(9822): 1.
Kincaid, H., Daniels, R.C., Dellis, A., Hofmeyr, A.K.,
Rousseau, J., Sharp, C. and Ross, D.A. 2012. A taxometric
analysis of problem gambling data from a South African
national urban sample. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28:
Kruger, R., Toerien, F. and Macdonald, I.L. 2012. Nonlinear
serial dependence in share returns on the Johannesburg
stock exchange. The African Finance Journal, 14(2): 64-84.
Langrock, R., Macdonald, I.L. and Zucchini, W. 2012.
Some nonstandard stochastic volatility models and their
estimation using structured hidden Markov models. Journal
of Empirical Finance, 19(1): 147-161.
Louw-Potgieter, J. 2012. Evaluating human resource
interventions. SA Journal of Human ResourceManagement,
10(3): (1-6).
Louw-Potgieter, J. and Hendricks, K. 2012. A theory
evaluation of an induction programme. SA Journal of
Human Resource Management, 10(3): (1-9).
Maposa, J. and Louw-Potgieter, J. 2012. An outcome
evaluation of a youth development programme. Social
Work: A Professional Journal for the Social Worker, 48(2):
Mataramvura, S. 2012. The malliavin derivative and
application to pricing and hedging a European exchange
option. Mathematical Finance, 2(4): 280-290.
Mdakane, S., Muhia, A., Rajna, T. and Botha, E. 2012.
Customer relationship satisfaction and revenge behaviors:
examining the effects of power. African Journal of Business
Management, 6(39): 10445-10457.
Meyer, I.M. 2012. The reliabilities of an english, afrikaans
and isiXhosa version of the SDO6 scale in South Africa.
South African Journal of Psychology, 42(1): 25-36.
Moultrie, T. and Dorrington, R.E. 2012. Used for ill; used for
good: a century of collecting data on race in South Africa.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(8): 1447-1465.
Moultrie, T., Sayi, S. and Timaeus, I. 2012. Birth intervals,
postponement, and fertility decline in Africa: a new type of
transition? Population Studies-A Journal of Demography,
66(3): 17.
Nujjoo, A. and Meyer, I.M. 2012. The relative importance
of different types of rewards for employee motivation
and commitment in South Africa. SA Journal of Human
Resource Management, 10(2): 442(1-10).
Priilaid, D.A. and Van Rensburg, P. 2012. Nonlinear hedonic
pricing: a confirmatory study of South African wines.
International Journal of Wine Research, 4: 1-13.
Priilaid, D.A. and Van Rensburg, P. 2012. The hedonic
valuation of South African wine brands. South African
Journal of Business Management, 43(1): 15-36.
Pym, J.M., Goodman, S.L. and Patsika, N. 2011.
Does belonging matter? exploring the role of social
connectedness as a critical factor in students' transition to
higher education. Pins: Psychology in Society, 42: 35-50.
Rundare, A. and Goodman, S.L. 2012. An outcome
evaluation of a perinatal education programme. SA Journal
of Human Resource Management, 10(3): 424(1-8).
Salie, S. and Schlechter, A.F. 2012. A formative evaluation
of a staff reward and recognition programme. SA Journal of
Human Resource Management, 10(3): 422(1-11).
Peer-reviewed published conference
Bagraim, J.J. and Kuhn, C. 2012. Rational choice and
academic dishonesty amongst South African business
students. In J.M.M. van den Berg (ed), Conference
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of SAIMS -
2012, 9-11 September 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
Stellenbosch: StellenboschUniversity. ISBN9780620542877.
Beneke, J. 2012. An application of Sweeney's risk-price-
quality-value framework through a consideration of store
brand merchandise. In P.R. Banerjee (ed), Proceedings
of International Conference on Investment & Retail
Management(ICIRM), 23-24 April 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Middlesex, England: Academy of Business & Retail
Management. ISSN 20472854.
Beneke, J. 2012. Consumers' buying behaviour in an
emerging market setting: the case of the entry-level private
label brand. In N. Jahan (ed), Proceedings of 7th Annual
London Business Research Conference, 9-10 July 2012,
Imperial College, London, UK. Melbourne, Australia: World
Business Institute Australia. ISBN 9781922069078.
Beneke, J. and Blampied, S. 2012. Driving consumer
perceptions through Facebook: an investigation into
empowering brands in the 21st century. In J.M.M. van den
Berg (ed), Conference Proceedings of the 24th Annual
Conference of SAIMS - 2012, 9-11 September 2012,
Stellenbosch, South Africa. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch
University. ISBN 9780620542877.