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Faculty of Commerce
Magadzire, A. 2012. Test the orphanhood method
against benchmark rates in South Africa since 1996. MPhil
Demography. Supervised by Dorrington, R.
Marais, I. 2012. Attitudes towards multiple role planning
amongst engineering students. MCom Organisational
Psychology. Supervised by Bagraim, J. and Jaga, A.
Minnie, L. 2012. Death and dying: what are the psychological
consequences for emergency medical care personnel in
the Cape Town metropole? MSc Medicine. Supervised by
Wallis, L. and Goodman, S.
Muzigaba, M. 2012. An outcome evaluation of the SHAWCO
Saturday school programme. MPhil Programme Evaluation.
Supervised by Louw-Potgieter, J.
Naude, Z. 2012. A theory evaluation of a peer education
programme. MPhil Programme Evaluation. Supervised by
Field, C.G.
Nembaware, V. 2012. A formative evaluation of an instant
messaging-based HIV and AIDS helpline in South Africa.
MPhil Programme Evaluation. Supervised by Goodman, S.
Flint, E. 2012. New perspectives in the modelling of alpha.
MCom Actuarial Science. 50pp. Supervised by Polakow, D.
Pulker, S. 2012. Predicting academic dishonesty using
the theory of planned behaviour. MSocSc Organisational
Psychology. Supervised by Bagraim, J. and Goodman, S.
Souza, E. 2012. The impact of HIV on fertility in Malawi.
MPhil Demography. Supervised by Moultrie, T.
Tagwira, R. 2012. An investigation into the effect of
information on decision-making for members of defined
contribution pension funds. MBusSc Actuarial Science.
61pp. Supervised by Strugnell, D. M.
Syce, C. 2012. Predicting employee voluntary turnover using
human resource data. MCom Organisational Psychology.
Supervised by Schlechter, A. F.
Timm, A. 2012. An investigation of multidimensional scaling
with an emphasis on the development of an R based
graphical user interface for performing multidimensional
scaling procedures. Master’s. Supervised by Lubbe, S.
Titus, S. 2012. The relationship between self-selected
personality characteristics and preference for job features,
organisational features and career goals. MSocSc
Organisational Psychology. Supervised by Schlechter, A. F.
Wilson, B. 2012. Robust Bayesian portfolio optimisation:
higher moments and the distorting effects of constraints.
Master’s. Supervised by Witten, G.
Graduate School of Business
Director: Professor Walter Baets
School Profile
The UCT Graduate School of Business’ goal is to be a
leading emerging market business school that is relevant
both internationally and to its local context. Its mission
is to build and strengthen three pillars of excellence to
ensure that we produce responsible leaders with a keen
grasp of complex organisational and social challenges and
Academic Excellence and Thought Leadership:
is one of South Africa’s leading business schools in terms
of research. We strive to make good use of our position at
the tip of Africa, a continent in which the role of business
in contributing to sustainable development is especially
pertinent. GSB research is published in scholarly journals,
as well as the popular media, taking a stand on issues of
public concern. There is no uniform position within the
GSB on key questions within management disciplines
or surrounding the role of business in society; rather, we
seek to cultivate a culture of debate within the school and
beyond, which also enriches students’ experience.
Societal Relevance
: The GSB has unique opportunities to
contribute to the university’s strategic goal of addressing
key developmental challenges facing South Africa and
the continent. This includes the all-important teaching
and research activities at the GSB, but it also relates
to the manner in which we seek to create mutually
beneficial relationships with diverse stakeholders. Much
of our research has important pertinence for public policy
or business strategy, and we strive to enhance such links
through, for instance, workshops and conferences for
officials or managers. Teaching and training programmes
have been developed to proactively target disadvantaged
youngsters, as in the Raymond Ackerman Academy of
Entrepreneurial Development. Students in the MBA
and other programmes are commonly linked to real-life
development initiatives as part of their learning experience,
especially in their group work.
Pedagogical Excellence
: The GSB has sought to augment
traditional lecture style teaching and case study discussions
with alternative approaches that emphasise experiential