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Faculty of Law
Hutchison, A.J. 2012. Liability for breaking off contractual
negotiations? South African Law Journal, 129: 104-131.
Hutchison, A.J. 2012. Remoteness in contract: under
revision in the House of Lords too? South African Law
Journal, 129: 199-209.
Idensohn, K. 2012. The fate of Foss under the Companies
Act 71 of 2008. SA Mercantile Law, 24(3): 355-360.
Idensohn, K. 2012. The meaning of 'prescribed officers'
under the Companies Act 71 of 2008. South African Law
Journal, 129: 717-735.
Idensohn, K. 2012. The nature and scope of employees'
fiduciary duties. Industrial Law Journal Including Industrial
Law Reports, 33(July): 1539-1554.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Companies and CCs. Juta Quarterly
Review, July to September(2012): 3.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(1):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(2):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(3):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(4):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(5):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(6):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(7):
Jooste, R.D. 2012. South Africa. Income Tax Reporter, 51(8):
Kruger, T. 2011. Case note on the judgment of the
Commercial Court of Namur, 10 March 2010. Droit de la
Consommation / Consumentenrecht, 59-68.
Kruger, T. 2012. Case note on the ECJ judgment in the
joined cases C-585/08, Pammer v. Reederei Karl Schlütter
GmbH & Co. KG and C-144/09, Hotel Alpenhof GesmbH
v; Heller. Droit de la Consommation / Consumentenrecht,
Kruger, T. 2012. Case note on the ECJ judgment in
the joined cases C-585/08, Pammer v. Reederei Karl
Schlütter GmbH & Co. KG and C-144/09, Hotel Alpenhof
GesmbH v; Heller. Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en
Kruger, T. 2012. Onderhoudsvorderingen: nieuwe IPR-
wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Familierecht, 32-42.
Kruger, T. and Samyn, L. 2012. Als de Europese consument
moet procederen. Droit de la consummation, 66-91.
Le Roux, R. 2012. The new unfair labour practice. Acta
Juridica, 1(2012): 41-57.
Mancuso, S. 2012. Creating mixed jurisdictions: legal
integration in the SouthernAfricandevelopment community
region. Journal of Comparative Law, 5(2): 146-160.
Ncube, C.B. 2012. Copyright enforcement: the graduated
response takes centre stage. SA Mercantile Law, 24(2):
Ncube, C.B. 2012. Equitable intellectual property protection
of computer programs in South Africa: some proposals for
reform. Stellenbosch Law Review, 2012(3): 438-461.
Nkomo, M. 2012. IP rights no longer capital in South
Africa: a welcome signal for foreign investment. Journal of
Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 7(2): 88-89.
Rycroft, A. 2012. Can a protected strike lose its status?
Tsogo Sun Casinos (Pty) Ltd T/A Montecasino v future of SA
Workers Union & Others. Industrial Law Journal Including
Industrial Law Reports, 33(April): 821-827.
Rycroft, A. 2012. The intolerable relationship. Industrial Law
Journal, 33(October): 2271-2287.
Stoop, H.H. 2012. The derivative action provisions in the
Companies Act 71 of 2008. South African Law Journal, 129:
Theron, J.P. 2012. Prisoners of a paradigm: labour broking,
the 'new services' and non-standard employment. Acta
Juridica, 1(2012): 58-83.
Titus, A.L. 2012. The different permutations of CSARS v
Brummeria: was it something other than an 'interest-free'
loan? South African Law Journal, 129: 236-247.
Von Broembsen, M. 2012. Legal empowerment of the
poor: the re-emergence of a lost strand of human rights?
Rapoport Center Working Paper Series, 1: 1-19.