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Faculty of Law
Contract in South Africa, pp. 219-231. 2nd edition. South
Africa: Oxford University Press Southern Africa. ISBN
Naude, T. 2012. Termination of obligations. In D. Hutchison
and C.-J. Pretorius (eds), The Law of Contract in South
Africa. Private Law 2nd Edition, pp. 375-391. 2nd/2012.
South Africa: Oxford University Press Southern Africa. ISBN
Naude, T. and De Stadler, E. 2012. The Consumer Protection
Act 68 of 2008. In D. Hutchison and C.-J. Pretorius (eds),
The Law of Contract in South Africa, pp. 431-462. 2nd
edition. South Africa: Oxford University Press Southern
Africa. ISBN 9780199055111.
Paleker, M. 2012. Capacity to inherit. In J. Jamneck and C.
Rautenbach (eds), The Law of Succession in South Africa,
pp. 99-114. 2nd edition. South Africa: Oxford University
Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 9780199045426.
Paleker, M. 2012. Fact- and truth-finding in South African civil
procedure. In C.H. van Rhee and A. Uzelac (eds), Truth and
Efficiency in Civil Litigation: Fundamental Aspects of Fact-
Finding and Evidence-Taking in a Comparative Context,
pp. 189-227. Antwerp: Intersentia. ISBN 9781780681337.
Paleker, M. 2012. Interpretation of wills. In J. Jamneck and
C. Rautenbach (eds), The Law of Succession in South Africa,
pp. 211-230. 2nd edition. South Africa: Oxford University
Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 9780199045426.
Paleker, M. 2012. Intestate succession. In J. Jamneck and C.
Rautenbach (eds), The Law of Succession in South Africa,
pp. 21-42. 2nd edition. South Africa: Oxford University
Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 9780199045426.
Price, A.M. 2012. The content and justification of rationality
review. In S. Woolman and D. Bilchitz (eds), Is this Seat
Taken? Conversations at the Bar, the Bench and the
Academy about the South African Constitution, pp. 37-73.
Cape Town, SA: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP). ISBN
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Barnard-Naude, A.J. 2012. "A law of impurity or a principle
of contamination": poetry's resistance. Stellenbosch Law
Review, 2012(3): 462-475.
Barnard-Naude, A.J. 2012. Die denker as digter, die digter
as denker: D.J. Opperman, N.P. Van Wyk Louw en die
digkuns/filosofie-debat in die Afrikaanse letterkunde (Deel
1). LitNet Akademies, 9(1): 144-180.
Barnard-Naude, A.J. 2012. Die denker as digter, die digter
as denker: D.J. Opperman, N.P. Van Wyk Louw en die
digkuns/filosofie-debat in die Afrikaanse letterkunde (Deel
2). LitNet Akademies, 9(1): 181-207.
Barnard-Naude, A.J. and De Vos, P. 2012. Die
politiek van die estetiese in n postkoloniale konteks:
menswaardigheid en vryheid van uitdrukking in die
debat rondom Brett Murray se skildery The Spear. LitNet
Akademies, 9(2): 176-201.
Bennett, T.W. and Mostert, H. 2012. Access to property in
Africa: an introductory survey. Acta Juridica, 1(2011): 1-2.
Fagan, A. 2012. A straw man, three red herrings, and a
closet rule-worshipper – a rejoinder to Davis JP. South
African Law Journal, 129(4): 788-798.
Fagan, A. 2012. The German origins of a South African
dogma about delict. Rabels Zeitschrift fnr AuslSndisches
und Internationales Privatrecht, 76(4): 967-993.
Greenbaum, L. 2012. Current issues in legal education: a
comparative review. Stellenbosch Law Review, 23(1): 16-39.
Greenbaum, L. 2012. Experiencing the South African
undergraduate law curriculum. De Jure, 1(45): 104-124.
Himonga, C. 2011. Taking the gap - 'living law land
grabbing' in the context of customary succession laws in
Southern Africa. Acta Juridica, 1(2011): 114-139.
Jordaan, D. 2012. Autologous stem cell therapy: an analysis
of the South African regulatory regime. South African
Journal on Human Rights, 28(2012): 31-54.
Jordaan, D. 2012. Regulatory crackdown on stem cell
therapy: what would the position be in South Africa? SAMJ
South African Medical Journal, 102(4): 219-220.
Naude, T. 2011. The consumer's right to safe, good quality
goods and the implied warranty of quality under sections
55 and 56 of the consumer protection act 68 of 2008. SA
Mercantile Law, 23(2011): 336-351.
Naude, T. 2012. The protection of low-income consumers
under the South African Consumer Protection Act 68
of 2008. Zeitschrift Fur Europaisches Unternehmen und
Verbraucherrecht (Journal of European Consumer and
Market Law), 1(4): 243-253.
Naude, T. 2012. The South African consumer protection act.
Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en Handelspraktijken /
Journal of Consumer & Commercial, 2: 64-71.