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Narasimha, M., Mainza, A.N. and Holtham, P. 2012. Multi-
component modelling concept for hydrocyclone classifier.
Proceedings of XXVI International Mineral Processing
Congress - IMPC 2012, 24-28 September 2012, New Delhi,
India. India: Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN 8190171437.
Ngoepe, N., Mainza, A., Govender, I., Bradshaw, D.J.,
Morrison, A. and Parker, D.I. 2012. Tracking the motion
of particle-bubble aggregates in flotation using pept.
In Proceedings of XXVI International Mineral Processing
Congress - IMPC 2012, 24-28 September 2012, New Delhi,
India. India: Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN 8190171437.
Ngoroma, F., Wiese, J.G. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. The
effect of frother blends on the flotation performance
of selected PGM bearing ores. Proceedings of XXVI
International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC
2012, 24-28 September 2012, New Delhi, India. India:
Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN 8190171437.
Powell, M.S. and Mainza, A.N. 2012. Step change -
a staircase rather than a giant leap. Proceedings of
XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC
2012, 24-28 September 2012, New Delhi, India. India:
Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN 8190171437.
Smuts, E., Deglon, D.A. andMeyer, C.M. 2012. Methodology
for coupled CFD-DEM modelling of particulate suspension
rheology. Proceedings of XXVI International Mineral
Processing Congress - IMPC 2012, 24-28 September
2012, New Delhi, India. India: Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN
Sweet, J.A., Harris, M.C., Franzidis, J.-P., Plint, N. and Tustin,
J. 2012. The AGDP in 2012 - nine years of exceptional
graduate training. Proceedings of XXVI International
Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2012, 24-28 September
2012, New Delhi, India. India: Technowrites Pvt Ltd. ISBN
Von Blottnitz, H. 2012. Three not two! How strong is the
case for separate organic waste management systems
in the municipal and commercial sector? Proceedings
of WasteCon 2012 - Wrestling with Waste, 9-12 October
2012, East London, South Africa. South Africa: Document
Transformation Technologies cc. ISBN 9781920017576.
Department of Civil
Head of Department: Associate Professor Neil
Departmental Profile
The Department of Civil Engineering currently has an
establishment of 15 permanent full-time academic
positions and 3 Research Officers, supported by a
dedicated complement of 13 technical and administrative
staff. It offers a four-year BSc (Civil Engineering) degree
programme and several taught postgraduate programmes,
as well as supervised research studies leading to Master’s
and Doctoral degrees. The current enrolment is about 425
undergraduate students and 210 postgraduates – giving a
total of 635 students.
Postgraduate teaching and research is conducted within the
framework of well-established research groups in the areas
of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Geotechnical
Engineering, Concrete Materials and Technology,
Hydraulic Engineering, Water Quality Engineering, Urban
Water Management, Urban Engineering and Management,
Transport Studies and GIS. Members of staff also interact
with research groups in other departments, such as
the Centre for Research in Computational and Applied
Mechanics (CERECAM) and the Africa Centre for Cities
(ACC). The Department has fruitful collaborative links
with several local and overseas universities, and with local
industry. Much of the work done by members of staff finds
application in industry.
The high quality of the research undertaken by the
Department is evidenced by the considerable number of
peer-reviewed publications in ISI-accredited international
journals produced by members of staff annually, and the
international recognition that members of staff enjoy in
their areas of research. Members actively participate on the
committees of local professional bodies, provide expert
advice to industry, and serve on the editorial and advisory
boards of various international journals and conferences.