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Honorary Research Associates
Ms Lisa Kane
Transportation engineering and planning.
Professor Manu Santhanam
Concrete materials and technology; concrete diagnosis,
service life design
Mr Vernon Collis
Integrated structural design; sustainability solutions;
concrete repair and rehabilitation
Contact details
Postal Address:
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town,
Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701
Tel: +27 21 650 2584
Fax: +27 21 689 7471
UCT general phone number: +27 21 650 9111
UCT web site:
Research output
Chapters in books
Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. 2012. Non-motorised transport
in Africa. In R. Williams (ed.), The Sustainable Transport &
Mobility Handbook - Volume 3 - The Essential Guide: pp.
3-73. South Africa: alive2green. ISBN 9780620450652.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Batstone, D., Amerlinck, Y., Ekama, G.A., Goel, R., Grau,
P., Johnson, B., Kaya, I., Steyer, J., Tait, S., Takcs, I.,
Vanrolleghem, P.A., Brouckaert, C. and Volcke, E. 2012.
Towards a generalized physiochemical framework. Water
Science and Technology, 66(6): 1147-1161.
Beukes, E. and Vanderschuren, M.J.W.A. 2012. A city-wide
cluster analysis of contextual data to prioritize cycling
infrastructure projects. Cycling Research International, 2:
Beushausen, H., Alexander, M.G. and Ballim, Y. 2012.
Early-age properties, strength development and heat of
hydration of concrete containing various South African
slags at different replacement ratios. Construction and
Building Materials, 29: 533-540.
Beushausen, H., Masuku, C. and Moyo, P. 2012. Relaxation
characteristics of cement mortar subjected to tensile strain.
Materials and Structures, 45(8): 1181-1188.
Crous, P., Van Zyl, J. and Roodt, Y. 2012. The potential
of graphical processing units to solve hydraulic network
equations. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(3): 603-612.
Githachuri, K., Alexander, M.G. and Moyo, P. 2012.
Durability performance of a range of marine concretes and
the applicability of the South African service life prediction
model. Materials and Structures, 45(1-2): 185-198.
Kobel, D. and Del Mistro, R.F. 2012. Evaluation of non-user
benefits towards improvement of water and sanitation
services in informal settlements. Urban Water Journal, 9(5):
Lu, H., Ekama, G.A., Wu, D., Feng, J., van Loosdrecht,
M.C.M. and Chen, G.H. 2012. SANI process realizes
sustainable saline sewage treatment: steady state model-
based evaluation of the pilot-scale trial of the process.
Water Research, 46: 475-490.
Lu, H., Wu, D., Feng, J., Ekama, G.A., van Loosdrecht,
M.C.M. and Chen, G.H. 2012. The demonstration of a novel
sulfur cycle-based wastewater treatment process: sulfate
reduction, autotrophic denitrification, and nitrification
integrated (SANI) biological nitrogen removal process.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(11): 2778-2789.
Lugoma, M.F.T., Van Zyl, J. and Ilemobade, A. 2012.
The extent of on-site leakage in selected suburbs of
Johannesburg. Water SA, 38(1): 127-132.
Malumbela, G., Moyo, P. and Alexander, M.G. 2012. A
step towards standardising accelerated corrosion tests on
laboratory reinforced concrete specimens. Journal of the
South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 54(2): 78-85.
Malumbela, G., Moyo, P. and Alexander, M.G. 2012.
Longitudinal strains and stiffness of RC beams under load
as measures of corrosion levels. Engineering Structures,
35: 215-227.
Milandri, S., Winter, K.J., Chimphango, S.B., Armitage,
N.P., Mbui, D.N., Jackson, G.E. and Liebau, V. 2012. The
performance of plant species in removing nutrients from
stormwater in biofiltration systems in Cape Town. Water
SA, 38(5): 655-662.
Moyo, P., Sibanda, B. and Beushausen, H. 2012. Modelling
and integrity assessment of shear connectors in precast
cast-in-situ concrete bridges. Structural Engineering and
Mechanics, 42(1): 55-72.
Muigai, R., Moyo, P. and Alexander, M.G. 2012. Durability
design of reinforced concrete structures: a comparison
of the use of durability indexes in the deemed-to-satisfy