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Dlamini, M. and Barendse, P.S. 2012. The Detection on inter-
turn stator faults on inverter fed inductionmotors. Proceedings
of IEEE PES PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and
Tutorial (PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg,
South Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Docherty, M.J., Gabaraane, T. and Mabusela, N.O. 2012.
The township caterer's project: experiences from the
student chapter of Engineers without Borders. In N. Beute
(ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Conference on the Domestic
Use of Energy 2012 (DUE 2012), 3-4 April 2012, Cape Town.
Cape Town, South Africa: CPUT. ISBN 9780981431178.
Dowling, M., Kibaara, S., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P.
2012. Economic feasibility analysis of electricty generation
from landfill gas in Suth Africa. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE
International Conference on Power Systems Technology
(POWERCON 2012), 30 October - 2 November 2012,
Auckland. Auckland: IEEE. ISBN 9781467328685.
Ernest, E., Falowo, O.E. and Chan, H.A. 2012. Distributed
data path and mobility function scheme for PMIPv6 in
flattened networks. In S. Scriba (ed.), Proceedings of
2012 - Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and
Applications Conference (SATNAC 2012), 2-5 September
2012, Fancourt, George, Western Cape. Western Cape,
South Africa: Southern African Telecommunications
Networks & Applications Conference (SATNAC). ISBN
Fadiran, J., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P. 2012.
Optimal placement of phasor and conventional
measurements for power system state estimation and fault
observability. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International
Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON
2012), 30 October - 2 November 2012, Auckland. Auckland:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467328685.
Fadiran, J, Yuil, W., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P. 2012.
Practical demand side management - a programmable load
manager. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE PES Transmission &
Distribution Conference & Exposition (T&D 2012), 7-10 May
2012, Orlando, Florida. Florida: IEEE. ISBN 9781467319331.
Falowo, O.E. and Chan, H.A. 2012. Effect of call dynamics
of a multiservice multimode terminal on rat selection in
heterogeneous wireless networks. Proceedings of IEEE
Globecom 2012, 3-7 December 2012, Anaheim, California,
USA. USA: IEEE. ISBN 9781467309196.
Falowo, S.K. and Ventura, N.M. 2012. Efficient resource
allocation through bandwidth degradation of non-real-time
polling service in IEEE 802.16 network. In S. Scriba (ed.),
Proceedings of 2012 - Southern Africa Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC
2012), 2-5 September 2012, Fancourt, George, Western
Cape. Western Cape, South Africa: Southern African
Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference
(SATNAC). ISBN 9780620537131.
Fish, A.-A., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P. 2012.
A revised matrix manipulation approach for optimal
placement of phasor measure units. Proceedings of 2012
Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2012 IEEE PES
General Meeting), 22-26 July 2012, San Diego, California,
USA. San Diego: IEEE. ISBN 9781467327282.
Folly, K.A. and Kaberere, K. 2012. Generator saturation
modelling using three saturation models. Proceedings
of 2012 International Conference on Power and Energy
(PECon 2012), 2-5 December 2012, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
Malaysia. Malaysia: IEEE. ISBN 9781467350181.
Folly, K.A. and Venayagamoorthy, G.K. 2012. Optimization
of power system stabilizer parameters using population-
based incremental learning. 2012 Proceedings and
Tutorials. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
(ECCE 2012), 15-20 September 2012, Raleigh, North
Carolina. North Carolina: IEEE. ISBN 978167308014.
Folly, K.A. 2012. Population-based incremental with
adaptive learning rate strategy. Proceedings of Advances in
Swarm Intelligence. Proceedings, Part 1, Third International
Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2012), 17-20
June 2012, Shenzhen, China. China: Springer. ISBN
Gaunt, C.T. and Malengret, M. 2012. Why we use the term
non-active power, and how it can be measured under
non-ideal power supply conditions. Proceedings of IEEE
PES PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and Tutorial
(PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg, South
Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Gonzalez-Longatt, F., Chikuni, E., Stemmet, W. and Folly,
K.A. 2012. Effects of the synthetic inertia from wind power
on the total system inertia after a frequency disturbance.
Proceedings of IEEE PES PowerAfrica 2012 Conference,
Exposition and Tutorial (PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012,
Johannesburg, South Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN
Hiremath, S.M., Patra, S.K. and Mishra, A.K. 2012. Extended
date rate prediction for cognitive radio using anfis with
subtractive clustering. Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference Computers and Devices for Communication
(CODEC 2012), 17-19 December 2012, Kolkata, India. India:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467326186.