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Hassan, M.Z., Guan, Z.G., Cantwell, W., Langdon, G.S.
and Nurick, G.N. 2012. The influence of core density on
the blast resistance of foam-based sandwich structures.
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 50: 9-16.
Jama, H.H., Nurick, G.N., Bambach, M.R., Grzebieta,
R.H. and Zhao, X.-L. 2012. Steel square hollow sections
subjected to transverse blast loads. Thin-Walled Structures,
53: 109-122.
Karagiozova, D., Langdon, G.S. and Nurick, G.N. 2012.
Propagation of compaction waves in metal foams
exhibiting strain hardening. International Journal of Solids
and Structures, 49: 2763-2777.
Knowles, C., Becker, T. and Tait, R.B. 2012. Residual stress
measurements and structural integrity implications for
selective laser melted TI-6AL-4V. South African Journal of
Industrial Engineering, 23(2): 119-129.
Knutsen, R.D. and Petersen, S. 2012. Deformation and
recrystallisation of powder processing commercially pure
titanium. Powder Metallurgy, 55(5): 340-347.
Langdon, G.S., Von Klemperer, C.J., Rowland, B. and
Nurick, G.N. 2012. The response of sandwich structures
with composite face sheets and polymer foam cores to
air-blast loading; preliminary experiments. Engineering
Structures, 36: 104-112.
Pather-Elias, S., Davis, S.J. and Cohen, B. 2012. A techno-
economic study of energy efficiency technologies for
supermarkets in South Africa. Journal of Energy in Southern
Africa, 23(3): 2-8.
Pelteret, J. and Reddy, B.D. 2012. Computational model
of soft tissues in the human upper airway. International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering,
28: 111-132.
Pickering, E.G., Chung Kim Yuen, S., Nurick, G.N. and Haw,
P.R. 2012. The response of quadrangular plates to buried
charges. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 49:
Rahlao, S.J., Mantlana, B., Winkler, H.E. and Knowles, T.
2012. South Africa's national REDD+ initiative: assessing
the potential of the forestry sector on climate change
mitigation. Environmental Science & Policy, 17: 24-32.
Ramesh, K., Ozbayraktar, S. and Saridikmen, S. 2011. Aero-lap
polishing of poly crystalline diamond inserts using Multicon
media. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 14: 167-173.
Taele, B.M., Mokhutsoane, L., Hapazari, I., Tlali, S.B.
and Senatla, M. 2012. Grid electrification challenges,
photovoltaic electrification progress and energy
sustainability in Lesotho. Renewable & Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 16(1): 973-980.
Tait, L. and Winkler, H.E. 2012. Estimating greenhouse
gas emissions associated with achieving universal access
to electricity of all households in South Africa. Journal of
Energy in Southern Africa, 23(4): 8-17.
Theron, M., Knutsen, R.D., Ivanchev, L. and Burger, H. 2012.
Effect of heat treatment on the properties of laser-beam
welded rheo-cast F357 aluminum. Journal of Materials
Processing Technology, 212: 465-470.
Wlokas, H.L., Boyd, A. and Andolfi, M. 2012. Challenges
for local community development in private sector-led
renewable energy projects in South Africa: an evolving
approach. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 23(4):
Peer-reviewed published conference
Cloete, T.J. and Stander, M. 2012. Refinement of the
wedge bar technique for compression tests at intermediate
strain rates. In S. Hiermaier (ed.), Proceedings of 10th
International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical
Behaviour on Materials under Dynamic Loading (DYMAT
2012), 2-7 September 2012, Freiburg, Germany. France:
EDP Sciences S A. ISBN 9782759807574.
Collier-Reed, B.I. 2012. Improving the design and
implementation of lecture casting and its impact on an
academic's classroom practice. Proceedings of 2012 e/
merge Online Proceedings (e/merge 2012) - Open to
Change, 9-20 July 2012, Cape Town. Cape Town: Centre
for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town. ISBN
Curry, R., Cloete, T.J. and Govender, R.A. 2012.
Implementation of viscoelastic Hopkinson bars. In S.
Hiermaier (ed.), Proceedings of 10th International
Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour
on Materials under Dynamic Loading (DYMAT 2012), 2-7
September 2012, Freiburg, Germany. France: EDP Sciences
S A. ISBN 9782759807574.
Docherty, M.J., Gabaraane, T. and Mabusela, N.O. 2012.
The township caterer's project: experiences from the
student chapter of Engineers without Borders. In N. Beute
(ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Conference on the Domestic
Use of Energy 2012 (DUE 2012), 3-4 April 2012, Cape Town.
Cape Town, South Africa: CPUT. ISBN 9780981431178.