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Snyman, S. and Spenceley, A. 2012. Key sustainable
tourism mechanisms for poverty reduction and local
socioeconomic development in Africa. Africa Insight,
42(2): 76-93.
Snyman, S. 2012. The impact of land management systems
on community attitudes towards tourism and conservation
in six South African countries. Parks, 18(2): 20-31.
Snyman, S. 2012. The role of tourism employment in poverty
reduction and community perceptions of conservation and
tourism in Southern Africa. Journal of Sustainable Tourism,
20(3): 395-416.
Visser, M.C., Sterner, T., Damon, M. and Kohlin, G. 2012.
Capacity building to deal with climate challenges today and
in the future. Journal of Environment and Development,
21(1): 71-75.
Zimper, A. and Hassan, S.J. 2012. Can industry regulators
learn collusion structures from information-efficient asset
markets? Economics Letters, 116: 1-4.
Doctoral dissertations
Adewara, S. 2012. Provision of public goods and health
outcomes during political transition in Nigeria. Supervised
by Visser, M.C.
Ataguba, J. 2012. Distributional impact of health care
finance in South Africa. Supervised by Woolard, I.D.
Fessehaie, J. 2012. The dynamics of Zambia's copper value
chain. Supervised by Morris, M.L.
Grebe, E. 2012. Civil society leadership in the struggle for
AIDS treatment in South Africa and Uganda. Supervised by
Nattrass, N.J.
Hove, F. 2012. HIV prevalence estimates and their use in
regression models: cautionary evidence from Zimbabwe
and studies of the relationship between armed conflict and
HIV. Supervised by Nattrass, N.J.
Hove, S. 2012. Essays on monetary policy, insitutions and
terms of trade shocks in emerging market economies.
Supervised by Touna Mama, A.
Mutasa, G. 2012. Disability grant and labour supply in
South Africa. Supervised by Woolard, I.D.
Ngwaru, T. 2012. Explaining the HIV epidemic in hyper-
epidemic conditions. Supervised by Nattrass, N.J.
Reed, L. 2012. The changing dynamics of the South African
clothing value chain and the role for industrial policy: a
case study of the China quotas. Supervised by Morris, M.L.
Schmidt, M. 2012. Poverty reduction with high inequality
and growth: evidence from post-independence Namibia.
Supervised by Leibbrandt, M.V. and Woolard, I.
Master’s degrees (by research)
Bertscher, J. 2012. The complex determinants of childhood
nutritional status and undernutrition in South Africa.
MBusSc. Supervised by Wilson, F.
Brooks, L. 2012. Financial inclusion in South Africa:
A quasi-experimental approach. MCom. Supervised by
Leibbrandt, M.V.
Chetty, M. 2012. Does trade liberalization cause harm to
South African workers? MBusSc. Supervised by Edwards,
L.J. and Sundaram, A.
Dane, A. 2012. Personal carbon emissions trading: an
experimental analysis. MCom. Supervised by Visser, M.C.
Edun, A. 2012. Oil and exchange rate in Nigeria: a case of
Dutch disease. MCom. Supervised by Ellyne, M.
Etheredge, G. 2012. A procedure to test human behaviour
under producer scrounger conditions. MSocSc. Supervised
by Ross, D.A.
Girdwood, E. 2012. A pre-R year: is it worth it, and what
would it cost? MCom. Supervised by Burns, J.C.
Gull, K. 2012. Water supply in the Eastern Cape: an
economic case study of land rehabilitation in the Kromme
River catchment. MCom. Supervised by Leiman, A.
Havemann, S. 2012. Is there a role for public interest
provisions in South African competition law. MCom.
Supervised by Grzybowski, L.
Hewitson, S. 2012. An assessment of the quantum for
financial provision of mine closures: a Monte Carlo
approach. MCom. Supervised by Leiman, A.
Kavli, H. 2012. Spillovers in the foreign exchange market: a
study of volatility and returns in emergingmarket currencies.
MCom. Supervised by Kotze, K.L.
McMillan, T. 2012. SMME performance in South Africa
2010: linear and logit regressions of the factors affecting
business owner income, employment and firm survival.
MCom. Supervised by Conradie, B.I.