Page 577 - UCT2012 Research Report

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Faculty of Commerce
Mohamed, R. 2012. Foster Children's school attainment:
evidence frommetropolitan Cape Town. MCom. Supervised
by Leibbrandt, M.V. and Ardington, C.
Montgomery, S. 2012. Evaluating the South African
national school nutrition programme. MCom. Supervised
by Delavallade, C.D.
Msulwa, R. 2012. The growth implications of agglomeration
in South Africa,1996-2010. MCom. Supervised by Black,
A.H. and Dunne, J.P.
Potgieter, K. 2012. The waiting game: a survival of
unemployment duration in South Africa 2002-2004. MCom.
Supervised by Leibbrandt, M.V.
Pretorius, L. 2012. The economics of animal welfare: an
appraisal of welfare issues in the South African poultry
industry. MCom. Supervised by Leiman, A.
Rey, A. 2012. The determinants and impact of short-
term business insurance in SMEs in South Africa. MCom.
Supervised by Bhorat, H.I.
Rivett, C. 2012. Labour market outcomes and the impacts of
social networks: evidence from the Cape Town metropolitan
area. MCom. Supervised by Burns, J.C.
Roman, T. 2012. Universal health coverage: a systems
thinking approach. MSocSc. Supervised by Leiman, A.
Ryan, J. 2012. The impact of the South African old
age pension on the educational attainment of children.
MSocSc. Supervised by Leibbrandt, M.V. and Ardington, C.
Searle, P. 2012. Fiscal policy and the current account.
Evidence from South Africa. MCom. Supervised by Touna
Mama, A. and Kotze, K.L.
Sewnath, N. 2012. Pricing of credit risk and credit derivatives:
from theory to implementation. Master’s Mathematics of
Finance. Supervised by Abraham, H.
Smith, G. 2012. Social norms, social distance, social
approval and household electricity consumption: afield
experiment in Cape Town. MCom. Supervised by Visser,
Tseng, C.-W.2012. The newly unemployed and the UIF
take-up. MCom. Supervised by Bhorat, H.I.
Warren-Codrington, A.2012. Trade liberalization and firm
dynamics: evidence from Indian firms. MCom. Supervised
by Sundaram, A.
Department of Finance
and Tax
Acting Head of Department: Associate
Professor Craig West
Department Profile
The Department of Finance and Tax was formed with effect
from 1 January 2012 and this represents the Department’s
first research report. During January 2012, the Department
moved into its allocated space. This represented some
disruption for the members of staff, their teaching and
research, but these issues were soon resolved.
The Department houses two disciplines, namely: finance
at an undergraduate and postgraduate level and taxation
at a postgraduate level only. The new Department is also
home to a research unit, being the African Collaboration
for Quantitative Finance & Risk Research (ACQuFRR).
As the Department becomes more established, it is
anticipated that the research outputs of its staff will increase.
Further postgraduate streams for taxation qualifications
were developed during 2012 to come on-stream in 2013.
The tax section within the Department was invited to
participate in a collaborative research project with 6 other
institutions around the world. The Research Council of
Norway funds this project. The staff of this section of
the Department was further invited to participate in the
Marie Curie International Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
for particular research topics in international tax. To this
end, the Department hosted Dr Daniel Smit from Tilburg
University in the Netherlands and will host further guests
in 2013. Department staff will also participate in the
exchanges in the coming years. The IRSES programme
provides funding for the travel and accommodation of the
visiting academic.
The department has one NRF-rated researcher, Professor
Enrico Uliana (part-time).
An exceptional 42 master’s students graduated from the
department in 2012. The master’s graduates are expected
to increase as are PhD students.
African Collaboration for Quantitative Finance & Risk
Research (ACQuFRR)
The African Collaboration for Quantitative Finance & Risk
Research (Director: Associate Professor David Taylor) was
established within the Department of Finance & Tax at the
beginning of 2012. ACQuFRR’s purpose is to advance the