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Mashanda, P., Cloete, E. and Tanner, M.C. 2012. An
analysis of factors affecting the adoption of business-to-
consumer e-commerce by SMEs in developing countries-
case study: Zimbabwe. In A. Koch and P.A. van Brakel (eds),
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on World
Wide Web Applications (ZA-WWW 2012), 7-9 November
2012, Durban, South Africa. Cape Town: Cape Peninsula
University of Technology. ISBN 9780620555906.
Metfula, A. and Chigona, W.M.G. 2012. The impact of the
composition of public policy network on ICT policy: The case
of a developing country. In N. Muganda (ed), Proceedings
of E-Leaders in a Digital World: Towards Sustainable
e-Government and e-Business Innovation, 4-5 October 2012,
Pretoria, South Africa. Pretoria: IEEE. ISBN 9781477622490.
Mimbi, L. and Kyobe, M. 2012. Leveraging IT to
enhance governance in transitional Tanzania: a
conceptual framework. In V.W. Mbarika, W. Balunywa, A.
Okunoye, C. Nwokeafor, M. Moya and G.M. Kituyi (eds),
Proceedings of 4th ICT for Africa Conference (ICT4
Africa 2012), 23-25 March 2012, Kampala, Uganda. Baton
Rouge, USA: The International Center for Information
Technology Development. ISBN 97899560202.
Modisha, M. and Van Belle, J.W.G.D. 2012. Cloud
computing for small South African organisations: factors
influencing the adoption of software-as-a-service. In A.
Koch and P.A. van Brakel (eds), Proceedings of the 14th
Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications
(ZA-WWW 2012), 7-9 November 2012, Durban, South
Africa. Cape Town: Cape Peninsula University of
Technology. ISBN 9780620555906.
Mpazanje, F. and Sewchurran, K. 2012. As lived experience
in arriving at information systems project objectives. In
Proceedings of E-Leadership 2012 Conference,
4-5 October 2012, Pretoria, South Africa. Pretoria: Library
and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA). ISBN
Mpazanje, F. 2012. Exploring the phenomenon of
participatory design in ICT4D project implementation
in rural communities: acritical discourse analysis. In V.W.
Mbarika, W. Balunywa, A. Okunoye, C. Nwokeafor, M.
Moya and G.M Kituyi (eds), Proceedings of 4th ICT for
Africa Conference (ICT4 Africa 2012), 23-25 March 2012,
Kampala, Uganda. Baton Rouge, USA: The International
Center for Information Technology Development. ISBN
Mpazanje, F. and Chigona, W.M.G. 2012. How the mobile
phone saved properness: the case of professional
women in Malawi. In Proceedings of E-Leadership 2012
Conference, 4-5 October 2012, Pretoria, South Africa.
Pretoria: Library and Information Association of South
Africa (LIASA). ISBN 9781467329781.
Naidoo,M. andSeymour, L. 2012. Understandingbroadband
usage and its impact in South African households. In T.
Erman Erkan (ed), Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Information Management and Evaluation,
16-17 April 2012, Ankara, Turkey. UK: Academic Publishing
International Limited Reading. ISBN 9781908272355.
Percy, T. and Van Belle, J.W.G.D. 2012. Exploring the
barriers and enablers to the use of open educational
resources by university academics in Africa. In A.J. Turner
(ed), Proceedings of Open Source Systems: Long-Term
Sustainability. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 2.13
International Conference, OSS 2012, 10-13 September
2012, Hammamet, Tunisia. Springer. ISBN 9783642334412.
Phillips, C., Sewchurran, K. and Schuler, J. 2012. Business
process modelling benefits realisation - a South African
case study. In T.E. Erkan (ed), Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Information Management
and Evaluation, 16-17 April 2012, Ankara, Turkey. UK:
Academic Publishing International Limited Reading. ISBN
Ramburn,H. andSeymour, L. 2012.Dimensionsof knowledge
management impacting ERP systems implementation: the
caseof a large SouthAfrica organization. InK.S. Soliman (ed),
Proceedings of the 19th International Business Information
Management Association (IBIMA) Conference -Innovation
Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Entrepreneurship and
Economic Development, 12-13 November 2012, Barcelona,
Spain. IBIMA. ISBN 9780982148983.
Roodt, S. and de Villiers, C. 2012. Using an innovative
learning tool for undergraduate education. In C.A.
Shoniregun and G.A. Akmayeva (eds), Proceedings of
International Conference on Information Society (i-Society
2012), 25-28 June 2012, London, UK. UK: Infonomics
Society. ISBN 9781908320056.
Roodt, S. and de Villiers, C. 2012. Using google sites as an
innovative learning tool at undergraduate level in higher
education. In J. Pries-Heje, M. Chiasson, J. Wareham, X.
Busquets, J. Valor and S. Seiber (eds), Proceedings of the
20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS
2012), 10-13 June 2012, Barcelona, Spain. Spain: European
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012). ISBN
Rule, S., Stander, A. and Ophoff, J. 2012. How the certified
information systems security professional certification
supports digital forensic processes. In R.A. Botha, P.S.
Dowland and S.M. Furnell (eds), Proceedings of the Ninth