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Faculty of Commerce
International Network Conference (INC 2012), 11-12
July 2012, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. United Kingdom:
Plymouth University. ISBN 9781-841023151.
Scott, E., Mcgibbon, C. and Mwalemba, G. 2012. Attempts
to embed green values in the information systems
curriculum: a case study in a South African setting. In J.
Pries-Heje, M. Chiasson, J. Wareham, X. Busquets, J. Valor
and S. Seiber (eds), Proceedings of the 20th European
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012), 10-13
June 2012, Barcelona, Spain. Spain: European Conference
on Information Systems (ECIS 2012). ISBN 9788488971548.
Sedick, F. and Seymour, L. 2012. BPMN usage: an analysis
of influencing factors. In C. Moller and S. Chaudhry (eds),
Proceedings of Advances in Enterprise Information Systems
ll. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information
Systems (CONFENIS 2011), 16-18 October 2012, Aalborg,
Denmark. London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
ISBN 9780415631310.
Sewchurran, K., Mwalemba, G., de le Harpe, A. and
McKinnell, J. 2012. Making sense of the IT/IS industry to
enable better business enablement and competitiveness:
a case-study of the Western Cape in South Africa. In
Proceedings of the 2012 4th Software Engineering
Colloquium (SE 12), 24 May 2012, Cape Town, South Africa.
Piscataway, USA: IEEE Xplore. ISBN 9781467316477.
Seymour, L. and Thembela, S. 2012. Developing the South
African business process analyst: addressing the challenges
through a new University Programme. In Proceedings of
the 2012 Conference of the Southern African Computer
Lecturers' Association (SACLA 2012), 1-3 July 2012, Thaba
'Nchu, South Africa. Free State: Southern African Computer
Lecturers' Association 2012 (SACLA). ISBN 9780620536103.
Smit, L., Stander, A. and Ophoff, J. 2012. Investigating the
accuracy of base station information for estimating cellphone
location. In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference
on Cyber Security, Cyber Warfare and Digital Forensic
(CyberSec12), 26 - 28 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Malaysia: IEEE Malaysia Section. ISBN 9781467316774.
Tanner, M.C., Mulaudzi, R. and Muvembi, S. 2012. An
exploration of information quality measures of ICTS
in the context of the 2008 xenophobic attacks in the
Western Cape, South Africa. In M.B. Nunes, P. Isaias and
P. Powell (eds), Proceedings of the IADIS International
Conference Information Systems 2012,10-12 March 2012,
Berlin, Germany. Germany: International Association for
Development of the Information Society (IADIS). ISBN
Van Belle, J.W.G.D. and Reed, M. 2012. OSS adoption in
South Africa: applying the TOE model to a case study. In
A.J. Turner (ed), Proceedings of Open Source Systems:
Long-Term Sustainability. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG
2.13 International Conference, OSS 2012, 10-13 September
2012, Hammamet, Tunisia. Springer. ISBN 9783642334412.
Doctoral dissertations
Bankole, F. 2012. The impacts of ICT infrastructure on
national development: a multi-method investigation
involving data mining and data envelopment analysis.
Supervised by Brown, I.T.J. and Osei-Bryson, K.
Delcarme, B.2012. The development and institutionalisation
of an integrated health care waste information system.
Supervised by Roode, J. and Brown, I.T.J.
Scott, E. 2012. Towards coherent practice in capstone
courses for IS majors. Supervised by Sewchurran, K.
Tossy, T. 2012. Cultivating recognition: a classic grounded
theory of e-learning providers working in East Africa.
Supervised by Brown, I.T.J.
Weimann, P. 2012. An organisational framework for the use
of web-based tools in 'virtual' project teams. Supervised
by Brown, I.T.J.
School of
Management Studies
Head of School: Associate Professor Anton
F. Schlechter
School Profile
TheSchool ofManagement Studiesprovidesundergraduate
courses, postgraduate programmes and postgraduate
diplomas in a range of management disciplines to
students registered for Business Science, Commerce and
Humanities degrees. Research is supervised at the Honours,
Master’s and Doctoral levels. The School consists of five
Sections (incl. Actuarial Science, Applied Management,
Marketing, Organisational Psychology and the Professional
Communication Unit), as well as four established research
units (African Collaboration for Quantitative Finance &
Risk Research (ACQuFRR); Centre for Actuarial Science
Research (CARe); Institute of Monitoring and Evaluation
(IME); and the Unilever Institute for Strategic Marketing). A
further three research units have recently been established
and are currently seeking University Research Committee
(URC) approval (Development Unit for New Enterprise