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the centrality of comparative law to on-going efforts at
economic integration on the African continent. The CCLA
offers an LLM and a postgraduate diploma in Comparative
Law and conducts research on a variety of themes that
apply comparative methodology. Currently the Centre
is involved in a collaborative research project on mineral
law and policy in three southern African countries (South
Africa, Namibia and Zambia) under the UCT PERC Africa
Knowledge Project as well as customary law development
in Somaliland. The CCLA offers support for Africa-focused
doctoral research and also undertakes consultancies from
institutions in the public and private sectors.
Professor and Chair
Professor S. Mancuso, LLB Palermo PhD Trieste
Ms S. van der Brock
Contact details
Postal address: Room 4.41, 4th Floor, Kramer Law Building,
Faculty of Law, Middle Campus
Tel: +27 21 650 5268
Fax: +27 21 650 3671
Shipping Law Unit
Professor and Head: Professor J.E. Hare
The Shipping Law Unit has been in operation since
the beginning of 1993. The Unit was set up within the
Department of Commercial Law to accommodate part-
time and full-time studies in Shipping Law at higher
postgraduate level, and to support the Maritime Law
option offered to Final Level LLB students. The Shipping
Law Unit provides postgraduate tuition and research in
Admiralty law and practice and in all private law aspects
of the law relating to the sea and ships. It serves as an
information and advice centre to the shipping industry,
and monitors developments in maritime law and policy
in South Africa and abroad. The Unit co-operates closely
with the Institute of Marine and Environmental Law which
handles the public law elements of the Law of the Sea and
related subjects.
Visiting Teacher
R. Knutzen, LLB Cape Town BCL Oxon
Contact details
Postal address: Room 501, 5th level, Wilfred & Jules Kramer
Law Building, Faculty of Law, Middle Campus
Tel: +27 21 650 2676
Fax: +27 21 650 5662
Department of
Commercial Law
Research Output
Edited books
Bosman, L. and Clarke, H.C. (eds) 2012. Permanent Court of
Arbitration Award Series. The Guyana/Suriname Arbitration
Award of 2007 with an Introduction by Judge Peter Tomka.
207pp. The Hague: International Bureau; Permanent Court
of Arbitration. ISBN 9789491021008.
Van der Walt, A.J., Le Roux, R. and Govindjee, A. (eds)
2012. Labour Law in Context. 292pp. Cape Town, South
Africa: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 9781775780939.
Wautelet, P., Kruger, T. and Coppens, G. (eds). 2012. The
practice of arbitration: essays in honour of Hans Van Houtte.
Oxford: Hart Publishing. 382 p. ISBN 9781849463331.
Chapters in books
Benjamin, P.S. 2012. To regulate or to ban? Controversies
over temporary employment agencies in South Africa and
Namibia. In K. Malherbe and J. Sloth-Nielsen (eds), Labour
Law into the Future: Essays in Honour of D'Arcy Du Toit, pp.
189-209. Cape Town, RSA: Juta Law. ISBN 9780702194238.
Bradfield, G.B. 2012. National credit act (revised & updated).
In M.A. Fouche (ed.), Legal Principles of Contracts and
Commercial Law, pp. 147-176. 7th edition. Cape Town,
South Africa: LexisNexis. ISBN 9780409049459.
Cassim, M.F. and Yeats, J. 2012. Fundamental transactions,
takeovers and offers. In F.H.I Cassim (ed.), Contemporary
Company Law, pp. 672-754. 2nd edition. Claremont, South
Africa: Juta. ISBN 9780702185656.
Cassim, M.F. and Yeats, J. 2012. Fundamental transactions,
takeovers and offers. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), The Law of
Business Structures, pp. 379-416. Claremont, Cape Town:
Juta & Co Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.