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Faculty of Law
Collier, D. and Glazewski, J.I. 2012. Climate change and
possible legal liability: implications for the City of Cape
Town. In A. Cartwright, S. Parnell , G. Oelofse and S.
Ward (eds), Climate Change at the City Scale: Impacts,
Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape Town, pp.147-162.
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415 527583.
Collier, D., Ncube, C.B. and Schonwetter, T. 2012.
Intellectual property. In M.A. Fouche (ed.), Legal Principles
of Contracts and Commercial Law, pp. 289-306. 7th edition.
Cape Town, South Africa: LexisNexis. ISBN 9780409049459.
Davis, D. 2012. Developing the common law of contract
in the light of poverty and illiteracy: the challenge of the
constitution. In S. Liebenberg and G. Quinot (eds), Law and
Poverty. Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond, pp. 403-
422. Claremont, South Africa: Juta. ISBN 9780702194450.
Davis,D. 2012. Freedomof trade, occupationandprofession.
In S. Woolman and M. Bishop (eds), Constitutional Law of
South Africa 2nd Edition (CLOSA), pp. 1-30. 2nd edition.
South Africa: Juta. ISBN 97807021713080.
Davis, D. 2012. Socio-economic rights. In M. Rosenfekd
and A. Sajo (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative
Constitutional Law, pp. 1020-1035. Great Britain: Oxford
University Press. ISBN 9780199578610.
Fergus, E. 2012. Dismissal for incapacity. In A.J. Van der
Walt, R. Le Roux and A. Govindjee (eds), Labour Law in
Context, pp. 123-139. Cape Town, South Africa: Pearson
Education Limited. ISBN 9781775780939.
Glazewski, J.I. and Collier, D. 2012. South Africa. In R.
Lord, S. Goldberg, L. Rajamani and J. Brunnee (eds),
Climate Change Liability: Transnational Law and Practice,
pp. 319-347. USA: Cambridge University Press. ISBN
Hofman, J.P. and De Jager, J. 2012. South Africa. In S.
Mason (ed.), Electronic Evidence, pp. 761-796. 3rd edition.
UK: LexisNexis Butterworths. ISBN 9781405779876.
Jeram, N. 2012. Allocation of death benefits. In K. Hanekom
(ed), The Manual on South African Retirement Funds and
Other Employee Benefits, pp. 188-280. South Africa: Lexis
Nexis Butterworths. ISBN 9780409115468.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Business trusts. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed.), The
Law of Business Structures, pp. 46-60. Claremont, Cape
Town: Juta & Co Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.
Jooste, R.D. and Shev, J. 2012. Close corporations. In
F.H.I. Cassim (ed), The Law of Business Structures, pp.
530-559. Claremont, Cape Town: Juta & Co Limited. ISBN
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Corporate finance. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed),
The Law of Business Structures, pp. 184-210. Claremont,
Cape Town: Juta & Co Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Corporate finance. In F.H.I. Cassim
(ed), Contemporary Company Law: 262-352. 2nd edition.
Claremont, South Africa: Juta. ISBN 9780702185656.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Groups of companies and related
persons. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), The Law of Business
Structures, pp. 153-161. Claremont, Cape Town: Juta & Co
Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.
Jooste, R.D. 2012. Groups of companies and related
persons. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), Contemporary Company
Law, pp. 194-211. 2nd edition. Claremont, South Africa:
Juta. ISBN 9780702185656.
Jooste, R.D. and Cassim, R. 2012. Insider trading and
market manipulation. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), Contemporary
Company Law, pp. 926-1000. 2nd edition. Claremont,
South Africa: Juta. ISBN 9780702185656.
Jooste, R.D. and Cassim, R. 2012. Insider trading and
market manipulation. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), The Law of
Business Structures, pp. 504-521. Claremont, Cape Town:
Juta & Co Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.
Jooste, R.D. and Yeats, J. 2012. Shares, securities and
transfer. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), The Law of Business
Structures, pp. 162-183. Claremont, Cape Town: Juta & Co
Limited. ISBN 9780702195488.
Jooste, R.D. and Yeats, J. 2012. Shares, security and
transfer. In F.H.I. Cassim (ed), Contemporary Company Law,
pp. 212-262. 2nd edition. Claremont, South Africa: Juta.
ISBN 9780702185656.
Kruger, T. and Samyn, L. 2012. De afwezige verweerder in
het Europees procesrecht. In J. Rozie, S. Rutten and A. van
Oevelen (eds), Verstek en verzet in burgerlijke zaken en
strafzaken, nationaal en Europees. Antwerpen: Intersentia.
pp. 25-51. ISBN 789400003507.
Kruger, T. 2012. Internationaal Privaatrecht en ouderlijk
gezag. In Centrum voor beroepsvervolmaking,
Samenlevingsvormen en recht. Antwerpen: Maklu. pp.
79-105. ISBN 9789046604472.
Kruger, T. 2011. Procedural aspects and private international
law. In I. Samoy and B. Lambrecht (eds), Consortium
Agreements for Research Projects. Multiparty Agreements
under Belgian Contract Law. Cambridge: Intersentia. pp.
351-382. ISBN 9781780680316.