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Dr Tanja Winkler
Senior Lecturer: Planning. Current research interests
include critically assessing “the voice of the poor” in
urban governance and public decision making processes.
Ongoing research on civil society, poverty, and inner city
Research Associates
Emeritus Professor Julian Cooke
Contemporary South African architecture.
Emeritus Professor David Dewar
Former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the
Built Environment; BP Chair of Planning; urban structure
and form; place making; informal housing; housing policy;
informal economic development; public space; regional
planning and development.
Emeritus Professor Lucien le Grange
Urban Conservation Policy; Urban Design; Mission
Settlements in South Africa; Documenting modern
architecture in Cape Town. Contemporary Architecture –
Theory and Practice.
Emeritus Professor Fabio Todeschini
Architect, city planner, urban designer, heritage practitioner.
Emeritus Professor Heinz Rüther
Digital close range and aerial photogrammetry; precise
engineering surveying; geographic information systems;
visualisation and 3D modeling.
Emeritus Associate Professor Charles Merry
Earth’s gravity field; global positioning system; co-ordinate
Mr Barrie Gasson
Ecologically sustainable cities; regional planning and
Contact Details
School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University
of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, Republic
of South Africa
Telephone and Fax:
Architecture: Tel: SA (21) 650-2374 and
Fax: SA (21) 650-2383
Planning: Tel: SA (21) 650-2359 and Fax: SA (21) 689-9466
Geomatics: Tel: SA (21) 650-3577 and Fax: SA (21) 650-3572
Research output
Edited books
Cartwright, A., Parnell, S., Oelofse, G. and Ward, S. (eds)
2012. Climate Change at the City Scale: Impacts, Mitigation
and Adaptation in Cape Town. 270pp. Abingdon, Oxon:
Routledge. ISBN 9780415527583.
Hindes, C., Muller, L. and Stoffberg, H. (eds) 2012. South
African Landscape Architecture: A Reader. 292pp. South
Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN 9781868886623.
Chapters in books
Bruyns, G. and Low, I. 2012. Formal and informal realities
of urban design, civic action and agency in the South
African city. In G. Bruyns and A. Graafland (eds), African
Perspectives - [South] Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature
and Architecture, pp. 260-267. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers
Rotterdam. ISBN 9789064507977.
Bruyns, G. and Low, I. 2012. Reappropriation. In G. Bruyns
and A. Graafland (eds), African Perspectives - [South]
Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature and Architecture,
pp. 290.299. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN
Cartwright, A., Oelofse, G., Parnell, S. and Ward, S. 2012.
Climate at the city scale: the Cape Town climate think tank.
In A. Cartwright, S. Parnell, G. Oelofse and S. Ward (eds),
Climate Change at the City Scale: Impacts, Mitigation
and Adaptation in Cape Town, pp.1-8. Abingdon, Oxon:
Routledge. ISBN 9780415 527583.
Cartwright, A., Parnell, S. and Oelofse, G. 2012. Emerging
lessons from the climate change think tank. In A. Cartwright,
S. Parnell, G. Oelofse and S. Ward (eds), Climate Change at
the City Scale: Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape
Town, pp. 263-270. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN
9780415 527583.
Cartwright, A., Cohen, B. and Liddell, D. 2012. Supporting
city-scale decisions in the context of climate change: the
case of the City of Cape Town. In A. Cartwright, S. Parnell, G.
Oelofse and S. Ward (eds), Climate Change at the City Scale:
Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape Town, pp. 202-
222. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415 527583.
Cartwright, A. and Brundrit, G. 2012. Understanding the
risks to Cape Town of inundation from the sea. In A.
Cartwright, S. Parnell, G. Oelofse and S. Ward (eds),
Climate Change at the City Scale: Impacts, Mitigation and
Adaptation in Cape Town, pp. 21-37. Abingdon, Oxon:
Routledge. ISBN 9780415 527583.