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Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Coetzer, N.R. 2012. Narrative Space: three post-apartheid
museums reconsidered. In S. Macleod, L. Hourston
Hanks and J. Hale (eds), Museum Making Narratives,
Architectures, Exhibitions, pp. 63-73. UK, USA and Canada:
Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 9780415676021.
Hindes, C. and Roos, G. 2012. Introduction and retrospective
overview. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds),
South African Landscape Architecture, pp. 1-16. South
Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN 9781868886746.
Hindes, C. and Roos, G. 2012. Priming for added value: how
the application of the principles of landscape urbanism to
the redevelopment of Culemborg 'adds value' to the
designed landscape. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L.
Muller (eds), South African Landscape Architecture: A
Reader, pp. 221-232. South Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN
Hindes, C. 2012. Structuring Thinking: Plotting a Way
for More Active Engagement with Theory in Landscape
Architecture. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L. Muller
(eds), South African Landscape Architecture: A Reader, pp.
179-194. South Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN 9781868886623.
Jooste, M. and Lewis, Y. 2012. Opportunities and challenges
in establishing a low-carbon zone in the Western Cape
Province. In A. Cartwright, S. Parnell, G. Oelofse and S.
Ward (eds), Climate Change at the City Scale: Impacts,
Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape Town, pp. 99-121.
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415527583.
Lewis, Y. and Borchers, M. 2012. Energy Scenarios for
Cape Town: exploring the implications of different energy
futures for the city up to 2050. In A. Cartwright, S. Parnell,
G. Oelofse and S. Ward (eds), Climate Change at the City
Scale: Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape Town,
pp. 73-98. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415
Low, I. 2012. A Visual Perspective: Tradition, Culture and
Education of an African Architecture and Urbanism In G.
Bruyns and A. Graafland (eds), African Perspectives - [South]
Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature and Architecture,
pp. 158-163. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN
Low, I. 2011. Design, build, research (DBR) - an insoluble
problem? In L. Farber (eds), On Making: Integrating
Approaches to Practice-Led Research in Art and Design,
pp. 305-314. Johannesburg: Faculty of Art, Design
and Architecture, University of Johannesburg. ISBN
Low, I. 2012. Housing. In C.G. Crysler, S. Cairns and
H. Heynen (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Architectural
Theory, pp. 711-724. London: SAGE Publications. ISBN
Low, I. 2011. Nostalgia for the specific southern Africa,
local culture and global pressures. In Atlas Architectures of
the 21st Century Africa and Middle East, pp. 14-81. Spain:
Fundacion BBVA. ISBN 9788492937196.
Low, I. and Bruyns, G. 2012. Pondering (South) African
urban development. oppositions and correlations. In G.
Bruyns and A. Graafland (eds), African Perspectives - [South]
Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature and Architecture,
pp. 270-289. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN
Low, I. 2012. Signs from the Margins: design as instrument
of empowerment in the 'new' South Africa. In G. Bruyns
and A. Graafland (eds), African Perspectives - [South]
Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature and Architecture,
pp. 166-187. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN
Muller, L. 2012. An ecological method and cultural
landscapes. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds),
South African Landscape Architecture, pp. 95-154. South
Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN 9781868886746.
Muller, L. 2012. Celebration of the South African landscape.
In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds), South African
Landscape Architecture, pp. 155-275. South Africa: UNISA
Press. ISBN 9781868886746.
Muller, L. 2012. Establishing landscape architecture in
South Africa. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds),
South African Landscape Architecture, pp. 17-37. South
Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN 9781868886746.
Muller, L. 2012. Excellence in design. In H. Stoffberg,
C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds), South African Landscape
Architecture, pp. 39-93. South Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN
Muller, L. 2012. Historic Schools as an intangible landscape:
The role of oral histories in development. In H. Stoffberg,
C. Hindes and L. Muller (eds), South African Landscape
Architecture: A Reader, pp. 95-106. South Africa: UNISA
Press. ISBN 9781868886623.
Muller, L. 2012. Landscapes of memory: interpreting and
presenting places and pasts. In H. Stoffberg, C. Hindes
and L. Muller (eds), South African Landscape Architecture:
A Reader, pp. 7-25. South Africa: UNISA Press. ISBN