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Pieterse, E.A. and Gurney, K. 2012. Cities, cultural policy
and governance. In H. Anheier and Y.R. Isar (eds), Cities,
Cultural Policy and Governance, pp. 194-203. 5th edition.
UK: Sage Publications Ltd. ISBN 9781446201220.
Pieterse, E.A. 2012. Notes towards an alternative framework
for urban development. In G. Bruyns and A. Graafland
(eds), African Perspectives - [South] Africa. City, Society,
Space, Literature and Architecture, pp. 50-63. Rotterdam:
010 Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN 9789064507977.
Simone, A. 2012. Introduction: enacting modernity. In
C.G. Crysler, S. Cairns and H. Heynen (eds), The SAGE
Handbook of Architectural Theory, pp. 201-212. London:
SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412946131.
Simone, A. 2012. Reclaiming black urbanism: inventive
methods for engaging urban fields in Africa and
beyond. In G. Bruyns and A. Graafland (eds), African
Perspectives - [South] Africa. City, Society, Space, Literature
and Architecture, pp. 30-49. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers
Rotterdam. ISBN 9789064507977.
Steenkamp, A. 2012. Transformation's urban agents - South
African then and now. In G. Bruyns and A. Graafland (eds),
African Perspectives - [South] Africa. City, Society, Space,
Literature and Architecture, pp. 188-197. Rotterdam: 010
Publishers Rotterdam. ISBN 9789064507977.
Tadross, M.A., Taylor, A. and Johnston, P.A. 2012.
Understanding Cape Town's climate. In A. Cartwright, S.
Parnell, G. Oelofse and S. Ward (eds), Climate Change at the
City Scale: Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Cape Town,
pp. 9-20. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415 527583.
Tawodzera, G. 2012. Urban household vulnerability to food
security and climate change: experiences from urban areas
of Zimbabwe. In B. Frayne, C. Moser and G. Ziervogel (eds),
Climate Change, Assets and Food Security in Southern
African Cities, pp. 57-74. Abingdon, Oxon: Earthscan.
ISBN 9780415696043.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Brown-Luthango, M. 2012. Community-university
engagement: the Philippi CityLab in Cape Town and
the challenge of collaboration across boundaries. Higher
Education, 65(3):309-324.
Brown-Luthango, M., Makanga, P. and Smit, J.L. 2012.
Towards effective city planning - the case of Cape Town
in identifying potential housing land. Urban Forum, July
2012: 1-15.
Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2012. J'Accuse: the professions
concerned with the built environment. Architecture South
Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects,
Sept/Oct: 54-60.
Earle, L. 2012. From insurgent to transgressive citizenship:
housing, social movements and the politics of rights in Sao
Paulo. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44(1): 97-126.
El-Gelil, A., Pagiatakis, S. and El-Rabbany, A. 2012. On
the potential of least squares response method for the
calibration of superconducting gravimeters. International
Journal of Geophysics, 2012: 1-11.
Farrell, L.A.F., Hamann, R. and Mackres, E.B.M. 2012. A
clash of cultures (and lawyers): Anglo Platinum and mine-
affected communities in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Resources Policy, 37: 194-204.
Govender, I., Matzopoulos, R.G., Makanga, P. and Corrigall,
J. 2012. Piloting a trauma surveillance tool for primary
healthcare emergency centres. SAMJ South African
Medical Journal, 102(5): 303-306.
Graham, M. and Ernstson, H. 2012. Co-management at the
fringes: examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar
Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa - at the Intersection of
high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality. Ecology
and Society, 17(3): (1-18).
Lawhon, M. 2012. Contesting power, trust and legitimacy
in the South African e-waste transition. Policy Sciences,
45(1): 69-86.
Lawhon, M. 2012. Relational power in the governance
of a South African e-waste transition. Environment and
Planning A, 44: 954-971.
Lawhon, M. and Chion, M. 2012. Rooted cosmopolitanism:
spaces of multiplicity in Cusco, Peru. International Journal
of Urban and Regional Research, 36(3): 539-553.
Lawhon, M. and Murphy, JT. 2012. Socio-technical regimes
and sustainability transitions: Insights from political ecology.
Progress in Human Geography, 36(3): 354-378.
Musungu, K., Motala, S. and Smit, J.L. 2012. Using multi-
criteria evaluation and GIS for flood risk analysis in informal
settlements of Cape Town: the case of graveyard pond.
South African Journal of Geomatics, 1(1): 77-91.
Odendaal, N. 2012. Reality check: planning education in
the African urban century. Cities, 29: 174-182.