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Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Alatawneh, N. and Pillay, P. 2012. Test specimen shape
considerations for the measurement of rotational core
losses. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 27(1):
Bagula, A.B., Zennaro, M., Inggs, G., Scott, S. and Gascon,
D. 2012. Ubiquitous sensor networking for development
(USN4D): an application to pollution monitoring. Sensors,
12(1): 391-414.
Basak, P., Chowdhury, S., Halder, S. and Chowdhury, S.P.
2012. A literature review on integration of distributed
energy resources in the perspective of control, protection
and stability of microgrid. Renewable & Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 16: 5545-5556.
Basu, A.K., Bhattacharya, A., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury,
S.P. 2012. Planned scheduling for economic power sharing
in a chp-based micro-grid. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, 27(1): 30-38.
Curry, N. and Pillay, P. 2012. Biogas prediction and design of
a food waste to energy system for the urban environment.
Renewable Energy, 41: 200-209.
Dekker, J., Nthontho, M., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury,
S.P. 2012. Economic analysis of PV/diesel hybrid power
systems in different climatic zones of South Africa.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,
40(1): 104-112.
Dekker, J., Nthontho, M., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury,
S.P. 2012. Investigating the effects of solar modelling using
different solar irradiation data sets and sources within
South Africa. Solar Energy, 86: 2354-2365.
Dzobo, O., Gaunt, C.T. and Herman, R. 2012. Investigating
the use of probability distribution functions in reliability-
worth analysis of electric power systems. International
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 37: 110-116.
Dzobo, O., Gaunt, C.T. and Herman, R. 2012. Reliability
worth assessment of electricity consumers: a South African
case study. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 23(3): 31-39.
English, P.J. and Le Jeune, K. 2012. Do professional women
and tradeswomen in the South African construction industry
share common employment barriers despite progressive
government legislation? Journal of Professional Issues in
Engineering Education and Practice, 138(2): 145-152.
English, P.J. and Bowen, P.A. 2012. Overcoming potential
risks to females employed in the South African construction
industry. The International Journal of Construction
Management, 12(1): 37-49.
Falowo, O.E. and Chan, H.A. 2012. Dynamic RAT selection
for multiple calls in heterogeneous wireless networks using
group decision-making technique. Computer Networks,
56(4): 1390-1401.
Falowo, O.E. and Chan, H.A. 2012. Multiple-RAT selection
for reducing call blocking/dropping probability in
cooperative heterogeneous wireless networks. EURASIP
Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,
221: (1-12).
Hendricks, M.S., Karpul, D., Nicolls, F. and Lambert, M.I.
2012. Velocity and acceleration before contact in the tackle
during rugby union matches. Journal of Sports Sciences,
30(12): 1215-1224.
Ibrahim, M. and Pillay, P. 2012. Advanced testing and
modeling of magnetic materials including a new method
of core loss separation for electrical machines. IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, 48(5): 1507-1515.
Inggs, M.R. and Tong, C. 2012. Commensal radar using
separated reference and surveillance channel configuration.
Electronics Letters, 48(18): 1158-1160.
Magagula, L., Chan, H.A. and Falowo, O.E. 2012. Handover
approaches for seamless mobility management in next
generation wireless networks. Wireless Communications &
Mobile Computing, 12(16): 1414-1428.
Malengret, M. and Gaunt, C.T. 2012. General theory of
average power for multi-phase systems with distortion,
unbalance and direct current components. Electric Power
Systems Research, 84: 224-230.
Minnaar, U., Gaunt, C.T. andNicolls, F. 2012. Characterisation
of power system events on South African transmission
power lines. Electric Power Systems Research, 88: 25-32.
Neemat, S. and Inggs, M.R. 2012. Design and implementation
of a digital real-time target emulator for secondary surveillance
radar / identification friend or foe. IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine, 27(6): 17-24.
Obok Opok, A. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Review of corrective
switching and corrective facts controls for use in power
transmission systems. International Review of Automatic
Control, 5(5): 677-688.
Okou, R., Sebitosi, A.B. and Pillay, P. 2012. A specification
of a flywheel battery for a rural South African village.
Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 23(3): 52-63.
Olaofe, Z. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Statistical analysis of
the wind resources at darling for energy production.