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International Journal of Renewable Energy Research -
IJRER, 2(2): 250-261.
Panigrahi, R.K. and Mishra, A. 2012. Comparison of
hybrid-Pol with quad-Pol scheme based on polarimetric
information content. International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 33(11): 3531-3541.
Panigrahi, R.K. and Mishra, A.K. 2012. Gini index-based
land-cover classification using polarimetric synthetic
aperture radar. International Journal of Remote Sensing,
33(8): 2628-2640.
Ramaboli, A., Falowo, O.E. and Chan, H.A. 2012. Bandwidth
aggregation in heterogeneous wireless networks: a survey
of current approaches and issues. Journal of Network and
Computer Applications, 35(6): 1674-1690.
Ramesh, L., Chakraborthy, N. and Chowdhury, S.P. 2012.
Intelligent algorithm for optimal meter placement and
bus voltage estimation in ring main distribution system.
Frontiers in Energy, 6(1): 47-56.
Ramesh, L., Chakraborthy, N., Chowdhury, S.P. and
Chowdhury, S. 2012. Intelligent DE algorithm for
measurement location and PSO for bus voltage estimation
in power distribution system. International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 39: 1-8.
Rapson, M., Tapson, J.C. and Karpul, D. 2012. Unification
and extension of monolithic state space and iterative
cochlear models. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 131(5): 3935-3952.
Siraki, A.G., Gajjar, C.S., Khan, M.A., Barendse, P.S.
and Pillay, P. 2012. An algorithm for nonintrusive in situ
efficiency estimation of induction machines operating
with unbalanced supply conditions. IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 48(6): 1890-1900.
Siraki, A. and Pillay, P. 2012. An in situ efficiency estimation
technique for induction machines working with unbalanced
supplies. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 27(1):
Siraki, A.G. and Pillay, P. 2012. Comparison of two methods
for full-load in situ induction motor efficiency estimation
from field testing in the presence of over/undervoltages
and unbalanced supplies. IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, 48(6): 1911-1921.
Smit, R. 2012. Towards a clearer understanding of student
disadvantage in higher education: problematising deficit
thinking. Higher Education Research & Development,
31(3): 369-380.
Van Rhyn, P., Pretorius, J.H. and Herman, R. 2012.
Probabilistic lv distribution network design for aggregated
light industrial loads. International Review of Electrical
Engineering-IREE, 7(1): 3435-3442.
Zhang, Y., Pillay, P., Ibrahim, M. and Cheng, M. 2012.
Magnetic characteristics and core losses in machine
laminations: high-frequency loss prediction from low-
frequency measurements. IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, 48(2): 623 -629.
Peer-reviewed published conference
Ajibesin, A., Ventura, N.M., Chan, H.A., Murgu, A. and
Egunsola, O. 2012. Performance of multicast algorithms
over coded packet wireless networks. In D. Al-Dabass,
A. Orsoni and R. Cant (eds), Proceedings of UKSim 14th
International Conference on Computer Modelling and
Simulation (UKSim 2012), 28-30 March 2012, Cambridge,
UK. UK: IEEE. ISBN 978076954682.
Alhuwaimel, S., Mishra, A.K. and Inggs, M.R. 2012. Review
of radar signal attenuation due to sand and dust storms.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA '12),
2-7 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467303347.
Ampofo-Anti, N. and Ventura, N.M. 2012. Modeling of
service capabilities to achieve context-oriented service
brokering in the IP multimedia subsystem. In S. Scriba
(ed.), Proceedings of Southern Africa Telecommunication
Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC
2012), 2-5 September 2012, Fancourt, George, Western
Cape. Western Cape, South Africa: Southern African
Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference
(SATNAC). ISBN 9780620537131.
Anekunu, A.Y., Chowdhury, S.P., Chowdhury, S.P., Obiazi,
A.M. and Ochagwuba, R.E. 2012. Investigative study on
the applicability of melon oil for transformer insulation
and cooling. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International
Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON
2012), 30 October - 2 November 2012, Auckland. Auckland:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467328685.
Baghai-Wadji, A.R. 2012. Automated diagonalization of
Maxwells equations: theory, implications and applications.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA '12),
2-7 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467303347.