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Olaofe, Z. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Energy storage technologies
for small scale wind conversion system. Proceedings of
2012 IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics and Machines
in Wind Applications (PEMWA 2012), 16-18 July 2012,
Denver, Colorado. Colorado: IEEE. ISBN 9781467311298.
Olaofe, Z. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Evaluation of high wind
speed site for large-scale wind energy generation: case
study of Slangkop, South Africa. Proceedings of IEEE PES
PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and Tutorial
(PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg, South
Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Olaofe, Z. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Stand alone wind energy
systems for community electrification: a case-study of
darling. Proceedings of 2012 47th International Universities
Power EngineeringConference (UPEC2012), 4-7 September
2012, London, United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467328562.
Olaofe, Z. and Folly, K.A. 2012. Wind power estimation
using recurrent neural network technique. Proceedings of
IEEE PES PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and
Tutorial (PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg,
South Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Olulope, P.K., Folly, K.A. and Venayagamoorthy, G.K. 2012.
Modeling and simulation of hybrid distributed generator
and its impact on transient stability of power system.
Proceedings of 2012 47th International Universities Power
Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September
2012, London, United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467328562.
Olulope, P.K., Venayagamoorthy, G.K. and Folly, K.A.
2012. Wide area monitoring of rotor angle based on
synchrophasor measurements. Proceedings of IEEE PES
PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and Tutorial
(PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg, South
Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Papic, M., Awodele, K., Billington, R., Dent, C., Eager,
D., Hamoud, G., Jirutitijaroen, P., Kumbale, M., Mitra, J.,
Samaan, N., Schneider, A. and Singh, C. 2012. Overview of
common mode outages in power systems. Proceedings
of 2012 Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2012
IEEE PES General Meeting), 22-26 July 2012, San Diego,
California, USA. San Diego: IEEE. ISBN 9781467327282.
Peters, P., Machinda, G.T., Nthontho, M., Chowdhury,
S., Chowdhury, S.P. and Mbuli, N. 2012. Modelling and
simulation of degraded and loss of voltage protection
scheme for class 1 E Bus of a nuclear power plant.
Proceedings of 2012 47th International Universities Power
Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September
2012, London, United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467328562.
Premraj, S., Yuil, W., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P.
2012. Energy intensity and carbon footprinting baselines
in a leading South African bread producer. Proceedings of
2012 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference &
Exposition (T&D 2012), 7-10 May 2012, Orlando, Florida.
Florida: IEEE. ISBN 9781467319331.
Reddy, D., Barendse, P.S. and Khan, M.A. 2012. Power
electronic interface for combined heat and power
systems using high temperature pem fuel cell technology.
Proceedings of IEEE PES PowerAfrica 2012 Conference,
Exposition and Tutorial (PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012,
Johannesburg, South Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN
Rukezo, S., Inggs, M.R. and Mishra, A.K. 2012. Tutorial
review of an l band radar transceiver for use with a
software defined radar baseband system. In Conference
Proceedings, 13th International Radar Symposium (IRS
2012), 23-25 May 2012, Warsaw, Poland. Poland: IEEE. ISBN
Saulo, M., Gaunt, C.T. and Mbogho, M. 2012. Penetration
level of capacitor coupling sub-station on a power
transmissionnetwork. Proceedingsof 201247th International
Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012),
4-7 September 2012, London, United Kingdom. London,
United Kingdom: IEEE. ISBN 9781467328562.
Siyoi, V., Nthontho, M., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury, S.P.
2012. Wide area monitoring for power system protection - a
review. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference
on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON 2012), 30
October - 2 November 2012, Auckland. Auckland: IEEE.
ISBN 9781467328685.
Smit, R. 2012. Engineering science and pure science: do
disciplinary differences matter in engineering education. In
L. Mann and S. Daniel (eds), Proceedings of 2012 Annual
Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering
Education (2012 AAEE), 3-5 December 2012, Melbourne,
Australia. Australia: AAEE. ISBN 9780987177230.
Solomon, R., Khan, M.A., Barendse, P.S., Pillay, P. and Folly,
K.A. 2012. Review and application of micromachines for
wind energy integration. Proceedings of the 2012 XXth
International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM
2012), 2-5 September 2012, Marseille, France. France: IEEE.
ISBN 9781467301411.
Soubachov, B. and Ventura, N.M. 2012. NC-OFDM
cognitive radio optimal pilot placement for the LS estimator.