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Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
Proceedings of The Second International Conference on
Advances in Cognitive Radio (COCORA 2012), 29 April - 4
May 2012, Chamonix/Mont Blanc, France. France: IARIA
Publications. ISBN 9781612081977.
Tichagwa, A., Barendse, P.S. And Khan, M.A. 2012. Cost
effective micro-CHP sizing. Proceedings of IEEE PES
PowerAfrica 2012 Conference, Exposition and Tutorial
(PowerAfrica 2012), 09-13 July 2012, Johannesburg, South
Africa. Johannesburg: IEEE. ISBN 9781467325509.
Velempini, M., Moyo, V. and Dlodlo, M.E. 2012. Improving
local and collaborative spectrum sensing in cognitive
networks through the implementation of cognitive
collaborators. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Mediterranean
Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2012), 25-28
March 2012, Medina Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia. Tunisia:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467307833.
Vera, D. and Ventura, N.M. 2012. User generated content
for an IMS-based IPTV. In S. Scriba (ed.), Proceedings of
2012 - Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and
Applications Conference (SATNAC 2012), 2-5 September
2012, Fancourt, George, Western Cape. Western Cape,
South Africa: Southern African Telecommunications
Networks & Applications Conference (SATNAC). ISBN
Williams, A., Nthontho, M., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury,
S.P. 2012. Modelling South African Agulhas marine current
profile data for electricity generation. Proceedings of
2012 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems
Technology (POWERCON 2012), 30 October - 2 November
2012, Auckland. Auckland: IEEE. ISBN 9781467328685.
Winberg, S.L., Raw, B. and Mohapi, L. 2012. Bringing
industry-recommended practical experiences into the final
year of a computer engineering curriculum. Proceedings
of 4th International Conference on Science & Technology
(ICSTIE'12), 7-8 November 2012, Penang, Malaysia.
Malaysia: ICSTIE. ISBN 978983220495.
Winberg, S.L., Mishra, A.K. and Raw, B. 2012. Rhino blocks
pulse - doppler radar framework. In Nitin and S. Prakash
Ghrera (eds), Proceedings of the Second IEEE International
Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing
(PDGC-2012), 6-8 December 2012, Jaypee, India. India:
IEEE. ISBN 9781467329248.
Xezile, R., Mbuli, N., Sithole, S., Pretorius, J., Chowdhury,
S. and Chowdhury, S.P. 2012. Evaluation of steady state
and voltage stability limits of new HVDC lines into the
Cape grid considering Pluto and Matla substations as
sending ends. Proceedings of 2012 47th International
Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC
2012), 4-7 September 2012, London, United Kingdom.
London, United Kingdom: IEEE. ISBN 9781467328562.
Xezile, R., Mbuli, N., Pretorius, J., Chowdhury, S. and
Chowdhury, S.P. 2012. Impact of transmission faults on the
voltage dip performance of a weak Upington distribution
network with a csp plant connected. Proceedings of
2012 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems
Technology (POWERCON 2012), 30 October - 2 November
2012, Auckland. Auckland: IEEE. ISBN 9781467328685.
Xu, Z.P., Kariuki, S., Chowdhury, S. and Chowdhury,
S.P. 2012. Investigation of thermal storage options
for concentrating solar power plants. Proceedings of
2012 47th International Universities Power Engineering
Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September 2012, London,
United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: IEEE. ISBN
Doctoral dissertations
Chalemba, L. 2012. Topology-aware multicasting in phased
mobile ad hoc networks for e-learning. 263pp. Supervised
by Dlodlo, M.
Rapson, M. 2012. An extensible computational cochlear
modelling framework. 120pp. Supervised by Verrinder, R.
and Tapson, J.C.
Van Der Byl, A. 2012. A parallel framework for spectral
based computations. 128pp. Supervised by Inggs, M.
Master’s degrees (by research)
Ampofo-Anti, N. 2012. A context-orientated service
brokering platform for the IP Multimedia subsystem (IMS).
MSc (Eng). 90pp. Supervised by Ventura, N.
Bruintjies, M. 2012. PD trending and TVA test readings
are good indicators of the condition of aged Stator Bar
insulation. MSc (Eng). 104pp. Supervised by Gaunt, C.
Calder-Potts, G. 2012. Review of current radiometer
technology with suggestions for future South African
satellites. MSc Astrophysics & Space-Science. 160pp.
Supervised by Dunsby, P. and Inggs, M.
Cecchini, C. 2012. General predictive control: an
investigation of perceived limitations. MSc(Eng). 98pp.
Supervised by Braae, M. and Tsoeu, M.S.
Dube, C. 2012. Imitating human motion using humanoid
upper body models. MSc(Eng). 99pp. Supervised by Tsoeu,
M.S. and Tapson, J.C.