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Falowo, S.K. 2012. Connection admission control and
packet scheduling for IEEE 802.16. MSc (Eng). 85pp.
Supervised by Ventura, N.
Khwambala, P. 2012. The importance of selecting the
optimal number of principal components for fault detection
using principal component analysis. MSc(Eng). 85pp.
Supervised by Braae, M.
Klopper, M. 2012. Stability analysis of distributed wind
generation operating on weak distribution networks in
the presence of hydro generation. MSc(Eng). 156pp.
Supervised by Gaunt, C.
Molteno, M. 2012. Eddy current detection of fatigue cracks
in drill pipes. Master of Science in Engineering. Supervised
by Tait, R.B. and Wilkinson, A.
Moore, C. 2012. Remote hearing aid fitment. MSc(Eng).
86pp. Supervised by Ginsberg, S.
Ogbeide, S. 2012. Distributed control of reconfigurable
mobile network agents for resources co-ordination.
Msc(Eng). 124pp. Supervised by Murgu, A.
Ohene Anyang, E. 2012. The impact of variable speed drives
on energy efficient motors. MSc(Eng). 98pp. Supervised by
Khan, M. and Barendse,
P. Omar, S. 2012. Target tracking using multisensor data
fusion for an unmanned aerial vehicle sense and avoid
system. MSc(Eng). 88pp. Supervised by Winberg, S.
Oyedokun, T. 2012. Sea clutter simulation. MSc (Eng).
90pp. Supervised by Inggs, M.
Paverd, A.J. 2012. Enhanced mobile computing using
cloud resources. MSc(Eng). 98. Supervised by Inggs, M.
Raw, B. 2012. The design and development of a pulsed
radar block for the Rhino platform. MSc (Eng). 89pp.
Supervised by Inggs, M. and Winberg, S.
Rukezo, S. 2012. Design of an L band radar sensor.
MSc(Eng). 99pp. Supervised by Inggs, M.
Ubisse, A. 2012. Comparison of Digsilent, Matlab PST and
PSAT for steady state and stability studies on HVAC-HVDC
systems. MSc(Eng). 105pp. Supervised by Folly, K. and
Awodele, K.
Van den Eynde, N.V.E. 2012. Modelling of a stand-alone
photovoltaic system with dedicated hybrid battery energy
storage system. MSc(Eng). 99pp. Supervised by Chowdhury,
S.P. and Chowdhury, S.
Vera, D. 2012. User generated content for IMS-based IPTV.
MSc(Eng). 98pp. Supervised by Ventura, N.
Ginsberg, S., Parsons, A. and Vicatos, G. 2012. An
Endoprosthesis/Endoprosthetic Growth. Registered in:
Pretoria RSA. Von Seidels. Date registered: 27/06/2012.
Department of Mechanical
(Including the Blast Impact and
Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), the
Centre for Materials Engineering (CME),
the Centre for Research in Computational
and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM),
the Energy Research Centre (ERC), and
the SASOL Advanced Fuels Laboratory
Head of Department: Professor Christiaan
Department Profile
The Department of Mechanical Engineering includes
the following recognized research groupings: Blast
Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), the
Centre for Materials Engineering (CME), the Centre
for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics
(CERECAM), the Energy Research Centre (ERC) and
the SASOL Advanced Fuels Laboratory (SAFL). The
research interests of BISRU cover all engineering
aspects of blast and impact scenarios, including
the impact/blast process, structural response and
material characterisation of structural components,
as well as human bio-mechanical response under
impact conditions. Research in CME is directed at
an understanding of the relationships between the
production processes and structure, properties and
performance of engineering materials. CERECAM
focuses on mathematical modelling of complex material
behaviour, simulation of processes of deformation
and failure of engineering components and artefacts,
development of stable and accurate computational
solution techniques and computational fluid dynamics.
The ERC researches energy efficiency, energy modelling,
climate change issues and sustainable energy. The SAFL